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How my parents lowered their cholesterol by 30 pts in 30 days – no diets or drugs:
? rel=”nofollow”>http://drsam.co/yt/Balance-Cholesterol

Or you can see 5 WORST high cholesterol foods:

1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20071648?itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum&ordinalpos=2%20Am%20J%20Clin%20Nutr.
2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=%22Archives+of+internal+medicine%22%5BJour%5D+AND+1371%5Bpage%5D+AND+1992%5Bpdat%5D&cmd=detailssearch
3. https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/91/3/502/4597078
4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7858908
5. http://atvb.ahajournals.org/content/25/3/553.short
6. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167527399001072

? 7 Reasons Why Saturated Fats Are GOOD For You

Saturated fats are horrible for you!!?!

And this false information and myth all started in the 1950’s by a guy named Ancel Keys. He basically did a study of 6 countries in which higher saturated fat intake equated to higher rates of heart disease.

Unfortunately, like most studies that are skewed, he purposely ignored and DELETED data on the 16 other countries that didn’t fit his theory.

Countries where high saturated fat intake showed very little heart disease. And also countries with very little fat that showed HIGH rates of heart disease.

However, once his paper was published and he was on the cover of Time magazine, the medical industry changed and saturated fats became the devil.

Sadly, new,… supposedly “healthier” fats emerged — such as sunflower, corn, soybean and cottonseed oils…. And margarine, let’s not forget about this junky fat.

Ironically, THESE fats have contributed more to heart disease, heart attacks and strokes than most other foods and certainly a lot more than saturated fats.

And this is because these so-called “healthy” fats are high in inflammatory omega 6 fats. Plus, when heated, the fat molecule oxidizes, changes structure, becomes hydrogenated and basically, TOXIC to your body.

These vegetable and seed fats are NOT designed to be heated, while saturated fats are.

Yet, a major meta-analysis of 21 studies with almost 350,000 adults, revealed no difference in the risks of heart disease and stroke between people with the lowest and highest intakes of saturated fat.1

And there are other, major studies showing similar results.2,3

Simply stated, eating saturated fats does NOT cause heart disease!

Eat More Saturated Fats
Actually, the truth is that eating saturated fats can actually help prevent heart disease. This is because they reduce levels of Lipoprotein (a) [LP(a)], which has a very strong correlation to heart disease.4-6

Improved Cardiovascular Risk Factors

What’s interesting is that currently there are no drugs that lower Lipoprotein (a), but saturated fats do!

Again, nature already has the solutions – NOT pharmaceutical companies!

Additionally, eating saturated fats helps increase your “good” HDL cholesterol (lipoprotein).

That’s a double positive bonus!

And there are other benefits too.

Weight Loss
Saturated fats, especially coconut oil, can help you lose fat by increasing your metabolism and thyroid.

Healthier Brain
The brain is made largely of fat and the majority of the fat in the brain is saturated.

Healthier Liver
Saturated fats also encourage the liver cells to dump their fat content – this is a primary step in stopping that unhealthy and ugly belly fat. Additionally, saturated fat has been shown to protect the liver from the toxicity of alcohol and medication drugs.

Stronger Bones
They also help make your bones stronger, especially in women. Vegetable oils do the opposite and cause osteoporosis.

Stronger Immune System
Saturated fats, especially coconut oil is amazing for your immune system. The myristic and lauric acid have antibacterial and antifungal qualities for your gut. In fact, these are also found in high amounts in human breast milk as a potent germ-killing ability for the baby.
Healthier Lungs
For proper function, the airspaces of the lungs have to be coated with a thin layer of what’s called lung surfactant. The fat content of lung surfactant is 100 percent saturated fatty acids. Replacement of these critical fats by other types of fat makes faulty surfactant and potentially causes breathing difficulties (such as asthma) and inflammation

Healthier Skin
Saturated fats, especially coconut also reduces inflammation, hydrates the skin and increases collagen – all of which are needed for healthier, more youthful skin.

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? 7 Reasons Why Saturated Fats Are GOOD For You – by Dr Sam Robbins