?The Only 4 Ways To Build Muscle FAST by Dr Sam Robbins


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?The Only 4 Ways To Build Muscle FAST by Dr Sam Robbins
In this video I will tell you the best ways to grow your muscle in a natural way! Genetics play an important role in gaining muscle and losing fat but we can’t control these so we need to focus on what we can control.

I’ve coached professional and Olympic athletes, including lots of bodybuilders.

So today, I’m here to pass on all of my wisdom, so you can learn from my mistakes.

I’ve simplified the entire process of gaining muscle to 4 simple and clinically proven “ingredients”.

4 Primary Ingredients For Building Muscle

Ingredient #1 – HORMONES
Before anything can be said and done, you must have the right hormones for building muscle. They need to be optimized.

We all have different genetics and please don’t compare yourself to someone else who might have great genetics and then think there’s something wrong with you.

Just as someone who is a genius and has a high IQ, some people are just born with lots of muscle cells and the perfect hormones for building muscle and losing fat.

If you don’t optimize your hormones, anything else you do will NOT work and it’ll be a waste of effort, time and money.

In fact, the right hormonal environment will make you grow muscle without doing anything – no exercise, diets or supplements.

And, this is exactly what happens when you hit puberty and all of a sudden you start getting muscular, leaner, more aggressive, hornier, etc.

It’s ALL about the hormones.

But let’s move on to the second most important ingredient and that’s EXERCISE

Ingredient #2 – EXERCISE

In order for muscle to grow, it FIRST needs to be “stimulated” and that requires exercise.
The correct form of exercise ALSO produces important hormones and growth factors, that will build muscle.

And in order to do this, you need to lift weights.

Now, this can be with dumbbells, barbells, cables, machines or your own bodyweight. It doesn’t matter.

Okay, now that you’ve stimulated the muscle, have produced the right hormones, it’s time to FEED your muscles.

Ingredient #3 – DIET
If you don’t feed your muscles, the workouts will cause you to LOSE muscle.

In fact, this is what happened to me when I first started. I thought I’d lift weights to make my muscles grow and then eat less food to lose fat.

But all I did was get smaller and weaker. I was like anorexic.

However, you don’t need that much extra food. Increase your calories by about 250-500 daily and see how you look and feel after a month. If you’re not getting fat, then good. If you are, lower the calories a little.

This has to do with YOUR body, so listen to it, pay attention.

As far as WHAT to eat. Okay… this is where all the confusion comes.

Simple, easy and effective.
Ingredient #4 – REST
Now that you’ve stimulate and fed the muscle, you need to REST it. Just like a baby, you need your rest to grow.

As far as sleep, get as much as you need. Some need 6 hours and some need 9. Go to bed before midnight and wake up naturally.
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