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How my parents lowered their cholesterol by 30 pts in 30 days – no diets or drugs:

Or watch 5 Worst High Cholesterol Foods You Must Avoid [Clinically Proven]:
? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QyL7WydW_c


? The Truth Behind Liver Health, Hormones & Lipid Levels
Your liver is an amazing organ and one of the largest in your body. Even though, it’s classified as a “gland”. It’s the only organ that can regenerate.

It carries out over 500 essential tasks. However, some of the primary ones that you and I may care about is:
Filters the blood: The liver filters and removes compounds from the body, including hormones, and toxins from outside the body, including alcohol and other drugs.

Detoxes: It also takes up toxic substances and converts them into harmless substances or makes sure they are released from the body.

Vitamin and mineral storage: The liver stores and releases fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K, as well as copper and B12. It keeps significant amounts of these vitamins stored. In some cases, several years’ worth of vitamins is held as a backup. The liver also stores iron from hemoglobin in the form of ferritin, ready to make new red blood cells.

Poor Liver Function

The bottom line is that the healthier your liver, the healthier your body will function.

In fact, poor liver function
increases blood pressure, which will then stress your kidneys
Decreases proper hormonal production and conversions (testosterone, estrogen, thyroid, GH, IGF, insulin, etc.)
Increases cholesterol and lipid levels because over 80% of your cholesterol is made in your liver, NOT from the foods you eat. When your liver is healthy, it can get rid of excess cholesterol.

The truth is, an unhealthy liver leads to a lot of other aging problems, including inflammation, pain, fatigue, wrinkles, hair loss and so forth.

So, a healthy liver is extremely important, as you can imagine.

Different Forms Of Liver Diseases

An organ as complex as the liver can experience a range of problems. A healthy liver functions very efficiently. However, in a diseased or malfunctioning liver, the consequences can be dangerous or even fatal.

Examples of some common liver diseases include:

Hepatitis: Hepatitis is the name given to a general infection of the liver, and viruses, toxins, or an autoimmune response can cause it. It is characterized by an inflamed liver. In many cases, the liver can heal itself, but liver failure can occur in severe cases.

Alcoholic liver disease: Drinking too much alcohol over long periods of time can cause liver damage. It is the most common cause of cirrhosis in the world.

Fatty liver disease: This usually occurs alongside obesity and/or alcohol abuse. In fatty liver disease, vacuoles of fat build up in the liver cells. If it is not caused by alcohol abuse, the condition is called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

Prevent, Reverse & Fix An Unhealthy Liver
So, there are lots of things you can do to help fix your liver and get it healthier or keep it as healthy as possible for many years.

Eliminate or Reduce Drugs – This is probably the biggest cause of major liver problems in my opinion – DRUGS. This includes street drugs (cocaine, etc.), prescription drugs (the massive cause) and over-the-counter drugs (alcohol, pharmaceutical OTC)

Diet – You also need to eat better foods. Again, everyone knows this. But two major causes to liver stress are unhealthy fats in your diet. This includes hydrogenated and trans fats, any vegetable and seed oils which are high in omega 6 fats.

In fact, some people just don’t do well with high fat diets. I’ve seen it over and over again with Ketogenic diets. The person may look and feel better, but their liver enzymes go up and do does their lipid and cholesterol levels.

And remember, the two go hand in hand. Weak liver causes an increase in cholesterol. The extra fat in the diet, is stressing the liver… so on and so forth.

The other type of food you should avoid is fructose, more specifically High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). If you want to have some fruit, great. Just have a whole fruit and not fruit juice.

So, reducing or eliminate drugs, diet high in unhealthy fats and fructose, will help reduce liver stress.


I’m going to give you the best – the ones that will give you the most benefits and thus, save you money and time, by giving you faster results.

Milk Thistle
Alpha Lipoic Acid
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? The Truth Behind Liver Health, Hormones & Lipid Levels – by Dr Sam Robbins