→ 3 Best Types Of Foods That Are Guaranteed to Lower Your Cholesterol – by Dr Sam Robbins


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3 Best Types Of Foods That Are Guaranteed to Lower Your Cholesterol

Today I’m going to quickly cover the 3 best TYPES of foods you should eat daily, that’s guaranteed to quickly and naturally lower your cholesterol

What’s you’ll discover today will be easy to implement because these are general guidelines and not some kind of specific diet.

So you have a lot of flexibility and variation.

Fiber is very important for overall health, weight management and of course, lowering your cholesterol.

Fiber lowers cholesterol through numerous pathways…
reducing bile in your intestines,
by binding to cholesterol in your blood and the foods you eat
by stabilizing your blood sugar levels.

Unfortunately, most Americans don’t get enough fiber, barely 5 grams daily. … You need around 25-30 grams.

Good sources of fiber are
-Beans and legumes (pinto, black, lentils, etc.)
whole grains (quinoa, oat bran, barley, etc.)
-Nuts, which also have health fats (almonds, walnuts, etc., but NOT peanuts)
-fruits containing a fiber called pectin — such as Apples, grapes, strawberries and citrus fruits

And if you aren’t able to get enough fiber through your food, add in some fiber supplements such a psyllium.

Healthy fats are very important for lowering your cholesterol.

One primary reason is because your body needs good fats to produce proper ratios of hormones, such as testosterone, Growth hormones, thyroids and similar “youth” hormones.

Unfortunately, most people eat the WRONG kinds of fats, such as
-Processed vegetable oils
-Heated and hydrogenated oils
-Trans fats (such as margarine)
-Animal fats and dairy

The best fats should be eaten RAW, such as
-Nuts (not roasted and not peanuts)
-Extra virgin, organic coconut oil
-Extra virgin olive oil
-Fish oils
-Seeds — Flaxseed oil, Chia seeds

You can almost never go wrong with eating vegetables. Eat whatever you want and go for a variety of colors.

Raw is best most of the time, or lightly steamed.

But please don’t overcook them, or eat them with fats or dressings.

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