► 5 Worst High Cholesterol Foods You Must Avoid [Clinically Proven] – by Dr Sam Robbins


See how my parents lowered their cholesterol by 30 pts in 30 days – no diets or drugs:
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5 Worst High Cholesterol Foods You Must Avoid [Clinically Proven]

Cholesterol has many benefits and it’s definitely NOT your “enemy”.

In fact, “low” cholesterol is just as bad as “high” cholesterol levels.

However, there are certain foods that are really bad for you and can quickly increase your “bad” cholesterol levels and dramatically increase your risk for heart disease, a heart attack or stroke.

Under this video I’ve got a special bonus video about how you can quickly lower your cholesterol levels in less than 30 days, naturally – without changing your diet or exercising.

So make sure you take a look…

However, let’s first start with the 5 worsts, clinically proven – “high cholesterol” foods that you must avoid!

I’ve been saying this for over 2 decades – Milk is for babies and cow milk is for baby cows!

Additionally, 99% of dairy products are pasteurized, which kills any benefits milk could have. Not to mention, the toxins, hormones and drugs these animals are given are highly concentrated in the milk – which goes inside of YOU!

All of these factors, plus the saturated fat inside milk, increases your cholesterol and stresses your liver.

It doesn’t matter if it’s whole, low or nonfat dairy, it’s all the same.

Unfortunately, this also includes two of my favorite foods, ice cream and cheese!

Fast Foods

It doesn’t matter if it’s a burger, tacos, french fries, pizza or anything else – they’re all high in carbohydrates, hydrogenated and saturated fats, using unhealthy and toxic proteins.

It’s cheap food.

It may be easy and good for your wallet, but it’s bad for your health and cholesterol levels and you’ll pay the price later in life.

Animal Protein
The saturated fats and “marble fat” found in meat, pork, poultry and shell-fish is horrible for your health and cholesterol levels.

I’ve noticed even grass-fed meat and free-range poultry can still cause high cholesterol in some of my patients, especially the “sensitive” ones.

Limit your intake and focus more on vegetable proteins and fish – especially wild-caught salmon.

Eggs can be good or bad.

All the cholesterol and fat is located in the egg YOLK, which is why most “experts” say you should only consume egg whites.

However, most of the nutrients, antioxidants and half the essential amino acids (protein) are also found in the yolk.

The problem is when you COOK the yolk – such as hard-boiled, scrambled and fried eggs.

The heat oxidizes the egg and damages both the structure of the protein and fat.

So the healthiest way to eat eggs is raw or lightly cooked, so the yolk is still runny.

Don’t fry it with butter or vegetable fats. And make sure it’s organic, free-range eggs.

Baked Foods/Carbs (Snacks Too)

Baked foods such as muffins, cakes, breads, donuts, croissants, rolls, cookies, danishes, scones, pie, etc… The types of foods most people eat in the morning when they’re in a rush, or with their coffee or at work as a snack…

These are all bad because they contain hydrogenated and saturated fats, as well as dairy.

Not to mention, they’re high in simple carbohydrates and sugars.

“Bad” fats increase cholesterol.

“Bad” fats + carbs/sugar REALLY increase your cholesterol and lead to numerous health issues.

The combination is super unhealthy.

Under this same category — “Snack Foods” such as chips, pretzels, crackers and similar items are almost as bad as these bakes foods.
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