♥ The Scary Truth About High Blood Pressure Symptoms – by Dr Sam Robbins


Discover the REAL CAUSE of High Blood Pressure & 5 Best Foods for Lowering It Naturally:


The Scary Truth About High Blood Pressure Symptoms

(1) http://www.webmd.com/news/20110420/the-10-most-prescribed-drugs
(2) http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/HighBloodPressure/PreventionTreatmentofHighBloodPressure/Types-of-Blood-Pressure-Medications_UCM_303247_Article.jsp

Today’s question is from Rose and she asks:

“How do you I know if I have high blood pressure?… I think lately I’ve had it because I’ve been having headaches. How can I lower my BP naturally?”

So here’s the truth — unless you take your blood pressure readings multiple times a day for a few days in a row, it’s almost IMPOSSIBLE to know if you have chronic high blood pressure.

This is because there is NO list of symptoms or “signs” of high blood pressure (HBP or Hypertension)…. And THIS is the scary part.

It’s a MYTH that people with high blood pressure will experience symptoms, like nervousness, sweating, headaches, nosebleeds or facial flushing.

The scary fact is that high blood pressure is a symptomless “silent killer.”

If you ignore your blood pressure because you think a certain symptom or sign will alert you to the problem, you are taking a dangerous chance with your life.

This is a VERY important topic for me because I have a family history of high blood pressure.

What’s really scared me personally at an early age is that
my grandfather died immediately with his FIRST and ONLY stroke.

My uncle was handicapped and paralyzed for the rest of his life,
with his FIRST and ONLY stroke.

Thus – NO warnings.
NO second chances.
NO opportunity to make changes or improvements.

And this is why high blood pressure is known as the
“silent killer”.

Unfortunately, having “high blood pressure” has become a “silent” epidemic.

Did you know that:
1/3 (35%) of adults over the age of 20, has high blood pressure?…

Yet, 72% aren’t even aware that they have hypertension

If you’re over the age of 50, man or woman…
over 57% of the population has high blood pressure!

And if you’re over 60 years old, it’s a shocking 67%

And it only gets worse…

About 77% of people who have their first heart attack, have high blood pressure.

About 84% of people having strokes, have high blood pressure.

The fact is that high blood pressure is a major cause of a heart attack and stroke.

And in my opinion, more important than cholesterol levels.

This is why blood pressure drugs are the #2 most prescribed1 drugs in America

And get this, there 11 different TYPES2 of “blood pressure lowering” drugs.
And a total of over 75 different medications!

And YET – this problem is getting worse each and every year mainly because the drugs just aren’t working.

Anyway, I mention all of this not to be a “downer” or to “ruin your day”.

But to emphasize the importance of making sure you have healthy blood pressure levels and not look for symptoms because there aren’t any reliable ones.

Because the statistics show that most of us have elevated blood pressure. So you and I need to make improvements in our life-style.

I don’t want you to be another statistic, like my own grandfather, uncle and even my dad.

Forget about taking drugs – they don’t work and it’s not a good or safe long-term solution.

Natural remedies exist… it’s what I personally use myself, as well as my family.

Below I have a great video about this topic, where I reveal the real cause of high blood pressure, as well as the 5 best foods for lowering your blood pressure, naturally.

So please don’t feel like “hopeless”. Simple, effective, proven and safe solutions DO exist!

Click here for a natural solution:

Or look at these:

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