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How to lower your blood sugar naturally – without changing your diet or exercise:
? http://drsam.co/yt/LowerBS

Weight Loss secrets – Why 93% of diet and exercise programs fail:

Or go and watch these videos:

1. Weston A. Price Foundation
2. https://www.health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/glycemic-index-and-glycemic-load-for-100-foods
3. http://gundrymd.com/reduce-lectins-diet/

? Why White Rice Is Better Than Brown Rice – Blood Sugar & Weight Loss

Today’s question is from a previous video I made entitled, “Why Low Blood Sugar Can Be BAD For Your Health”. I’ll give you the link to watch the original video in a minute.

Now, in that video I stated how you want stable blood sugar levels – obviously, not “high” or “low”. This is important for anyone who wants to
Avoid, prevent or reverse diabetes
Lose weight
Have more muscle
Increase energy levels
Live a healthier, longer life… while reducing diseases and slow the aging process

Now, in that video I mentioned different foods to eat and avoid and I stated how you want to “eat white rice and NOT brown rice”.

I didn’t get into the details, but I immediately got a lot of questions asking “why”.

And this is obviously a great question because most of the so-called “experts”, doctors and nutritionist keep talking about the benefits of brown rice and that you should avoid white rice.

And they erroneously tell you this because they say how brown rice

“has more protein” — but it’s only ONE gram

“Has more fiber” — but this is only TWO grams

“Has lower glycemic index” and thus, doesn’t affect your blood sugar levels as much — but this too is WRONG.

First of all, there are different forms of white rice – but needless to say, white rice can actually have LOWER glycemic index than brown rice — depending on how it’s cooked.2

And I’ll do another video about this topic in the future and how you can actually lower BOTH the glycemic index AND the calorie content of white rice, depending on how you cook it

Thus, you can eat rice and not worry about it.

Just let me know in the comment below if you want details about this and I’ll make a video about it. Don’t forget to to also subscribe to my youtube channel, so you’ll get notified when the video comes out.

Anyway, as you can see there’s really no benefit with brown rice, compared to white.

In fact, these so-called “experts” fail to mention how brown rice actually has MORE calories and carbs! … NOT good if you’re trying to lose weight or keep your blood sugar stable, right?

But, here’s the REAL problem with brown rice and how white rice is better AND safer for you.

Brown rice has Phytic Acid, which is an “anti-nutrient”. Phytic acid is a compound located in the rice bran – the part that gives brown rice its color.

In fact, this is true with most other “whole grains”.

Simply stated, phytic acid grabs on to important minerals and inhibits the enzymes we need to properly digest proteins and starches.1

If you’re suffering from any food intolerance, allergies, sensitivity, or GI distress symptoms (bloat, gas, etc.) despite healthy eating… It could be the whole grains that you’re eating and it’s better to switch to eating white rice.

This is also because whole grains, such as brown rice, contain dangerous lectins3

And most people are allergic to lectins and cause inflammation in the body. And if you’d like, I can also do a video about the toxicity of lectins — just let me know below in the comments section if you’re interested.

And you don’t have to take my word for it or even the scientific facts. Just stop and think about it yourself.

Thank you for watching. Please feel free to comment, like or share with your friends.

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? Why White Rice Is Better Than Brown Rice – Blood Sugar & Weight Loss – by Dr Sam Robbins