? What Causes Tallness and Shortness


How To Increase Your Testosterone & Decrease “Negative Hormones”:
?? https://drsam.co/s/yt/BetterHormones

Watch The Secret To Growing Taller: ? <a href=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvoy5Ygd0vQ” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow”>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvoy5Ygd0vQ

#drsamrobbins #taller


? What Causes Tallness and Shortness
I’ve gotten a lot of questions from guys, wanting to know IF or HOW they can grow taller.

The good news is that you CAN for sure get taller. I’ve done it a few times with people, especially family members.

What Causes Tallness and Shortness

So the first question is, why are some people tall and some are short?

My dad is 6 feet tall. My oldest brother is 5’11”. My second oldest brother is only 5’8”…. While I’m 6’3” and my mom is 5’4”

In my immediate family, it makes no sense.

So, picking the right parent’s isn’t always a guarantee, unless BOTH your parents are very tall.

But I’ve always been tall, even before puberty.
[I’m the tall guy in the middle, played “Center” for the basketball team, freshman year in highschool]

However, genetics will always play a primary role in everything, as does your hormone levels.

Of course, you can’t change your genetics, but you CAN improve your hormones and life-style, which can turn certain genetic factors on or off. This would be considered “epigenetics”.

I don’t like to make things complicated or boring because there are lots of various hormones, enzymes, peptides and so forth which all play a role in height. However, the main hormones are Thyroid, Estrogens and Growth Hormone and IGF.

So, let me get right to it.

Why You’re Short

In boys, high estrogen levels accelerates the fusing of the bone and stops the growth plates from maturing.

I’m sure you’ve heard “short fat, bald and hairy” to describe certain guys.

Well, the “short and fat” part is from high estrogen. The “bald and hairy” is from high DHT (dihydrotestosterone). And when both of these hormones are elevated, testosterone levels drop.

So that’s 3 negatives!

So, the first goal is to have normal or low/normal levels of estrogen. Definitely NOT “high” levels.

Secondly, you want to have high Growth Hormone levels, which will cause your bones to continue to grow, as long as the ends haven’t fused yet, typically due to estrogen and older age.

Lastly, you want optimal thyroid levels because your thyroid gland controls many other hormones and conversions. Optimal thyroid levels will help more Growth Hormone to convert to the more powerful IGF (insulin-like growth factor)

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