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How To Quickly “Erase” Your Anxiety, Worry and Depression:
? http://drsam.co/yt/EraseDepressionNow

Or go and watch this: How to sleep less and have more energy:

1. http://www.cnn.com/2011/12/21/health/salt-preferences-determined-early/index.html
2. The Journal of Neuroscience, April 6, 2011
3. https://www.sott.net/article/178817-Salt-is-natural-mood-booster

? How To Instantly Reduce Stress, Anxiety and Panic With Salt
Most people are surprised that I put salt on everything I eat. Not only does it make food taste better, it’s good FOR you… IF you use the right kind of salt.

And no, it does NOT increase your blood pressure. Sugar is actually a bigger cause of high blood pressure, but I’ll leave that for another video.

Remember… the planet is made up of mostly salt water.

Your body is made up of salt water.

When your go to the hospital and they put an IV Drip, that’s salt water.

In fact, babies prefer the taste of salt water over regular water.1

Improving Athletic Performance

Years ago when I used to consult and train professional and Olympic athletes, I would give extra salt to those who were feeling anxious, worrying, having panic attacks or just feeling stressed.

Within seconds, they felt more at ease, calmer and more confident. They were relaxed.

I knew about this “secret” because of my background in Endocrinology – which is the study of hormones.

Salt helps reduce stress hormones such a Cortisol and angiotensin II. Additionally, it increases Oxytocin, an anti-stress hormone, which also acts as a neurotransmitter in your brain. It improves social interaction and is sometimes referred to as the, “bonding hormone”.

Now, they’ve also done studies on rats by giving them extra salt during times of stress and the rats became more interactive and less socially anxious.2

And researchers at the University of Iowa have stated that salt may actually “act as a natural antidepressant and mood-booster”.3

So what does this mean for you?…
Well, the next time you feel extra stress, worry, anxiety, panic or maybe even depressed, you might consider adding some extra salt to your diet.

However, NOT regular table salt.That’s been processed and refined. It’s “fake”.

What you want to use is unrefined sea (or rock) salt, which contains lots of valuable trace minerals and electrolytes. They are also key players in enzyme production as well as immune system, adrenal and thyroid function.

Two of my favorites are himalayan (pink) sea salt and celtic (grey) sea salt

A little goes a long way. Use it and avoid table salt and pre-packaged foods which are also loaded with the bad salt.

And if you want more information on other natural ingredients that lower stress, anxiety and depression — Just click the link below in the description area and watch the next video.

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- A word from our sposor -

? How To Instantly Reduce Stress, Anxiety and Panic With Salt – by Dr Sam Robbins