? Memory Loss In 84% Of People Deficient In This ONE Vitamin


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Memory Loss In 84% Of People Deficient In This ONE Vitamin

Today I’m going to discuss how scientist have discovered that there’s memory loss in 84.2% of people who are deficient in this ONE Vitamin

The good news is that you can easily fix and reverse this and I’ll tell you how.

This is obviously important if you’re concerned about your memory at any age, especially if you’re over the age of 40

If you have a family history of Alzheimer’s or dementia, like I do.

Or you simply want to improve your memory, like we all do.

Simply stated, a deficiency in vitamin B12 is linked to memory loss.

Surprisingly, up to 20% of adults are deficient in B12.

And about 50% of people do NOT have optimal levels of B12. Thus, they are “normal”, but low.
People over the age of 45 are more likely to be deficient.
And by far the most prevalent group of people who are likely to be deficient are vegans, vegetarians and those who have had gastric bypass surgery.
Women are more likely to be deficient than men, especially if you’re menstruating.
And research has shown that people who have memory loss, 84.2% of them were deficient in B12.
The good news is that this can easily be reversible by simply taking a B12 supplement or eating more foods that are high in B12
Foods High In B12
Vitamin B12 is naturally found in animal products, including fish, meat, poultry, eggs, and milk products.
Of course, if you’ve been listening to me for any length of time, you know that I suggest you do NOT eat dairy products… or limit them.
I believe that milk is for babies and cow milk is for baby cows.

Vitamin B12 is generally not present in plant foods… hence, the common deficiency in vegans and vegetarians.
The 3 foods that are highest in Vitamin B12 are
Beef liver
Trout and salmon

Now, most people are NOT eating clams or beef liver, daily. Not even salmon, even though I personally do.

So, you can always take a B12 supplement.
Studies show that you need a minimum of about 5 MCG daily to not be deficient. That’s not much.
I think 20-30 MCG daily is a good starting dose.
A good multivitamin should have it, even though most have incorrect ratios of other B vitamins, which can lead to imbalances.
If you do want to improve your memory and increase your physical energy, I highly recommend using Body Brain Energy, which is what I use myself.
It contains 30 MCG of B12 per serving, which is all you’ll need to reverse any deficiency and have optimal levels and hence, improve your memory.
It also contains about 20 clinically proven ingredients for increasing your physical energy, mental focus, and brain health.
I just take 2 pills in the morning and the benefits last most of the day, but without it affecting my sleep because it doesn’t contain caffeine or stimulants.
Regardless of what you do, make sure you take care of your brain!
Getting physically old is bad enough, without having to also worry about memory loss, Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Add in some additional B12 in your diet, especially if you’re a vegetarian or you eat very little red meat.

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