10 Best Ways To Lower Stress & Cortisol (Clinically Proven)


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10 Best Ways To Lower Stress & Cortisol (Clinically Proven)

We live in a world of extra stress and the biggest reason is our cell phones. Everything is happening instantly and we are being bombarded with information and people all day long.

It’s never ending, from morning till night. 24/7

This puts your body in a constant state of “fight or flight”.

Your adrenal glands are constantly over producing stress hormones, which causes negative changes in all your other other hormones such as growth hormone, testosterone, thyroids and so forth, resulting in
Muscle loss and belly fat gain.
High blood pressure
Pain in your joints and muscles
Poor sleep
Wrinkles and hair loss
Impaired brain function and poor memory
Lowered sex drive and erectile problems for guys
Blood sugar issues and type 2 diabetes
Lowered immune function
And so forth.

And of course, all of this leads to accelerated aging – externally and internally.

My Personal Drug Use For Lowering Cortisol

This is a super important topic to me, so much so that in the early 90’s I decided to take a prescription drug to lower my cortisol and stress hormones.

The initial results were awesome.

But within a couple of weeks, my body adapted and then the opposite would happen.

My body over produced cortisol.

So then I’d increase the dose of the drug. Again, great results for a couple of weeks, but then the opposite.

Eventually I figured out that there is no way to trick the body with drugs because drugs work AGAINST your body.

So I needed to find natural ways to lower stress and cortisol levels that worked WITH my body and not against it.

The end result is .and easy to maintain long-term.

Granted, the results are also slower when compared to the “instant gratification” of drugs.

So with that said, today I’m going to quickly reveal the 10 best ways to naturally lower stress and cortisol levels.

I will go into more detail about each of 10 ways in future videos.

But today I’ll quickly summarize each one.

By the way, if you didn’t already know – my background is in anti-aging endocrinology – which is the study for hormones.

So, yes… I’m far more knowledgeable about all of this than most people.

So if this is a topic you’re interested in and If you have extra stress and want to finally improve your cortisol and stress hormones, then make sure you subscribe to this channel right now while it’s fresh on your mind and click the bell icon so you’ll be notified when the follow-up videos are released.

With that said, let’s get started…
Sleep Better

Lower Stressful Situations – External
Lower Stressful Situations – Internally
Better Diet
Change Your Focus
Give To Yourself
Take Action


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