An Indonesian grandmother has met a tragic end after being crushed to death by a 16-foot python that tried to swallow her whole.
According to reports, the woman, 57-year-old Hapsah, was attacked by the serpent last week while doing routine work on a plantation, where she tapped rubber trees, in Muaro Jambi, a province of Sumatra.

Hapsah reportedly tried to fight off the snake as it wrapped itself around her body … but the python overpowered her, squeezing her unconscious from lack of oxygen.
The woman’s husband, M Safri, who also worked on the plantation, realized something was wrong when she didn’t come home in the afternoon. He began searching for his wife … only to find the snake still wrapped around Hapsah’s neck.

Per Sungai Gelam Police Chief Iptu Usaha Sitepu … to prevent the snake from consuming his wife, M Safri pulled on the snake’s tail and hit it until it eventually loosened its grip.
The incident left the whole community shaken … as a mob of enraged locals soon formed — who hunted down the python and beat it to death.

Village head Amdi added … “It was massive. It was taken to the village to be shown to the community after it was killed.”
Hapsah’s body has since been returned home and is being prepared for a funeral.
This isn’t the first fatal python attack in Indonesia this summer. Days before Hapsah’s passing, another elderly woman from Palopo City was attacked and killed by a serpent in the Sumarambu mountains.