30-year old mother shoots dead her 4 children, kills herself


A mother who appeared to be suffering from mental illness, has shot her 4 children, including an infant, and a neighbor dead, Police in Louisiana said.

Monroe Police Chief Reggie Brown confirmed the six deaths that occurred Thursday night and identified 30-year-old Brittany Tucker as the shooter in the quintuple murder-suicide.30-year old mother shoots dead her 4 children, kills herself

Brown told news outlets on Friday that Tucker suffered from mental health issues and appeared to be going through a crisis. She had been seen waving a gun at the Parkwood Apartments in the days before the shootings.

Anteshia Logwood, 20, was shot and killed at the apartment complex shortly before 8pm on Thursday. Brown said Logwood had dismissed an irrational remark that Tucker had made.

Tucker asked Logwood, ‘What are you laughing at?’ before fatally shooting the young woman in the chest, reported KNOE.

Brown said Tucker then returned to her apartment and shot her children.

Police identified the four children as Tremayne Tucker, 12; Trechelle Tucker, eight; Treasure Tucker, five; and Glory Tucker, five months old.

Police said the mother turned the gun on herself before officers responded to the scene.

After speaking with witnesses who were present over the past couple of days, Ms. Tucker was showing irrational behavior with the gun in hand, and no one felt the need to reach out to law enforcement or anyone of that nature to let us know she was showing irrational behavior and possessing a firearm. We could have responded and got her some help because that was a cry for help.’ Brown told the News Star.

Investigators claimed that Tucker bought the gun legally just days before the shootings.

According to the description of a GoFundMe campaign launched by Logwood’s older brother, his sister would have turned 21 years old on Wednesday.

‘Instead of planning for her birthday, we have to plan for a funeral,’ wrote Charles Logwood.

On her Facebook page, which has been dormant since late May, Tucker referred to herself as an ‘apostle’ and frequently shared religious quotes.


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