5 Best Foods Guaranteed To Reduce Pain & Inflammation [Clinically Proven]


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5 Best Foods Guaranteed To Reduce Pain & Inflammation [Clinically Proven]

When you have pain, it negatively affects your entire life. Of course, emotional pain can suck the life out of you and cause depression.
But so can physical pain in many ways because you can’t do so many things in life. Heck, even sleeping can become a major problem.
For example, I have multiple herniated discs in my back, shoulder pain with limited mobility and knees and ankles that snap, crackle and pop every time I go up stairs.
And this just from years of working out, wear-and-tear and of course, aging.
The good news is that over the years, my pain has actually improved. I was in more pain in my 30’s than I am in my 40’s.
And soon I’ll be entering my 50’s, I’m certain I’ll have even LESS pain – while other people my age are going to be dealing with more pain and suffering.
And the reason is because I’ve focused 100% of my diet and supplements to help reduce inflammation – which is the primary cause of pain — in your joints, tendons and ligaments and also muscles.
So today I’m going to tell you the 5 best foods to eat daily to help reduce inflammation, which will dramatically lower your pain over time and more importantly, help you avoid further deterioration of your joints, tendons and ligaments.
Remember, the older we get, the more inflammation and pain … In fact, it’s called “Inflammaging”
So you MUST take action today and just apply some of the suggestions and tips I recommend, so you can live a healthier, longer and happier life.
I’ve also posted additional resources, videos and emails about this topic that you can get access to for free, at the end of this video simply because I think this is a super important topic that all need to take action on, especially if you’re over the age of 35.
So, let’s get started!…
Healthy Fats
We have good and bad fats. Healthy fats actually help reduce inflammation and pain, while other fats cause the opposite.
Unfortunately, most people eat unhealthy fats which I discuss in detail in a different video. Basically, stay away from the usual vegetable and seed oils.
But today we want to focus on you eating more healthy fats such as
Extra virgin, cold-pressed olive oil
Walnuts, Almonds, Macadamia nut and small amounts of hazelnuts
Fish oil
Healthy Proteins
Just like fat, we have good and bad proteins.
The best source of anti-inflammatory protein is wild caught salmon. Anchovies and sardines are also good, if you’re okay with the taste. Halibut is okay too.
Most other fish either have too much mercury or don’t have enough anti-inflammatory omega 3 fats like Salmon does.
Red meat causes inflammation, but grass fed Bison is actually pretty good in small amounts.
You can also try vegetable protein sources such as non-gmo hemp and white-rice protein. But don’t consume too much pea protein, because it causes inflammation.
Healthy Carbohydrates
Again, we have good and bad carbs. High blood sugar levels due to eating the wrong carbohydrates or too much will cause a lot of inflammation, so keep this in mind.
The best are vegetables such as broccoli and spinach, these are two of the best.
Fruits such as berries are great. Pineapples and papaya are also fantastic.
Beans are good, especially lentils. Make sure they are pressure cooked or soaked and drained for 24 hours before cooking to remove inflammatory lectins.
Healthy Drinks
Almost anything you drink is going to cause inflammation. Low sugar, green drinks are good.
However, it’s best to stick to water with some lemon and also green tea as your primary beverages.
Drug Like Herbs & Supplements
And yes, there are some very powerful herbs and supplements that have drug-like, anti-inflammatory benefits, improve longevity, decrease pain and have NO negative effects.
The best are
Curcumin extract
Green tea
White Will Bark
And a few others. I’ve put a link below in the description to the best ingredients, how they work, the correct dosages and so forth.
Plus a product that I’ve been personally using for over a decade.
Again, most links below in the description area.

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