50,000 Men Reveal Best Food For Stronger Erections (Clinically Validated After 30 Years)


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50,000 Men Reveal Best Food For Stronger Erections (Clinically Validated After 30 Years)
In this video I’m going to be talking about the most important food you can eat if you want better erections.

Protein is very important – but mainly for tissue repair and growth. Nails, hair, skin, muscle.

Fat actually IS important since it’s needed for hormone production. Some fats are good and some aren’t. However, hormones don’t always lead to better erections.

Then we have carbs. Probably the least likely, right? Why would eating bread give you better erections?…

However, researchers from Harvard monitored over 50,000 men over the course of 30 years.

So, it’s a big, long-term study.

What they discovered is that the men who ate a specific type of carbohydrate had improved sexual function and were far LESS likely to suffer from any kind of erectile dysfunction.

These specific carbs contain polyphenols.

Polyphenols are a category of plant compounds that offers various health benefits. The help
Boost digestion
Potent antioxidants
Good for Brain & Heart health
Support Healthy blood sugar
And most importantly, improve circulation
And this last benefit, the healthy blood flow, is a primary reason for better and strong erections.

And healthy blood flow positively affects your brain, heart, skin, hair and yes – erections.

Thank you for watching. Please feel free to comment, like or share with your friends.

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Disclaimer: As with all information, products and services, results are not guaranteed and may vary from one individual to another. The information in this video and/or at this channel is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge, educational and information from the research and experience of Dr. Sam Robbins, who encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

Statements made, or solutions suggested in this video and/or at this channel, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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