’90 Day Fiancé’: Asuelu Stops Filming After Nasty Fight With Kalani


90 Day Fiancé fans witnessed a shocking side of the usually mild-mannered Asuelu on Sunday’s episode of 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?, when he got into a huge fight with his wife, Kalani, in front of her mother. The fight culminated in producers stepping in as Asuelu said he no longer wanted to film.

Fans were first introduced to the couple on season 6 of 90 Day Fiancé, when 31-year-old Kalani fell in love with 24-year-old Asuelu during a vacation to Samoa. Kalani got pregnant with their now 2-year-old son, Oliver, during the trip, and eventually brought Asuelu to live with her in Utah. The two are now married and welcomed a second son, Kennedy, last May.

But things have been tense between the couple this season on 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?, mainly due to Kalani feeling like Asuelu doesn’t help her with the kids and Asuelu feeling like he’s not the man of the house like he would be in Samoa due to the two living with Kalani’s parents. He is especially upset because he previously wanted to take a trip to Samoa with Kalani and their sons since he was badly missing his family, but Kalani decided they couldn’t go on the trip because of a measles outbreak in the country. Asuelu felt ganged up on when it came to the decision to not go to Samoa, and was annoyed because Kalani decided to take a road trip to California to see her family for Oliver’s birthday, which clearly, he wasn’t in the mood for.

Things were tense from the start during the trip, when Kalani complained that she only got three hours of sleep because their sons were sick. Asuelu used Kalani’s logic against her for canceling the trip to Samoa, replying that they should have canceled their trip to California because their “sons’ health comes first.” But things got particularly nasty when Asuelu — who has shown a sexist attitude towards women previously on the show, like when he questioned how their kids’ female doctor could be a doctor and not a nurse — remarked that a woman’s job was “easy,” specifically American women’s jobs. He noted that women in America have “machines” to do everything, while in Samoa, women take care of both the children and the home with none of that and with no complaints.

Kalani fought back, asking him why he didn’t help around the house if it was so easy. When she pointed out that she had been the one up all night with their sons, he shockingly called her a “lying bch.” He later told her her voice was “fking annoying.” At this point, Kalani’s mom jumped in and said he was disrespecting her daughter. She asked Asuelu if he would dare speak to Kalani like that in front of her father, to which Asuelu defended himself and said Kalani was asking “stupid questions.”

When they eventually arrived in Califoria, Kalani attempted to have a conversation with Asuelu in the backyard, though the two continued to argue. Kalani told cameras that Asuelu was used to subservient women, though the women in her family were not going to stand for that behavior. Later, she called him a “manipulator” to his face because she claimed he would change the subject every time he had no answer to her argument. Asuelu asked her why she used “expensive” words and then proceeded to angrily go back inside to pack up his things.

Asuelu left the house and in a heartbreaking moment, their son Oliver followed him outside to the street crying. Even though Kalani asked him to stop because Oliver was following him, Asuelu didn’t answer and kept walking away. Asuelu found a public bus, and at this point, producers stepped in and asked where he was going. Asuelu said he guessed he would try to find his way back to Utah but wanted to stop filming because he wanted to “leave.” After a producer took off his mic, he jumped on the bus with his luggage and took off.

In a preview of next week’s episode, Kalani’s father learns what happens and appears to be ready to go off on Asuelu. Previously in the season, he had confronted Asuelu about not stepping up as a man and a father, after Kalani complained that Asuelu chose to play volleyball with his friends after his job selling yogurt at the mall rather than spending time with her and their sons.


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