Gospel artiste, Tope Ajogbajesu, is dead


Popular Gospel singer, Tope Ajogbajesu, is dead. According to his friends, the singer died in the early hours of Friday, July 30, after a protracted illness.

Gospel artiste, Tope Ajogbajesu, is dead

The deceased was a member of the singing duo, Ajogbajesu twins.  Tope and his friend, Jide, began singing together some years ago.  Their debut album “winner” was released in 2004. They had finished work on another album and were in the process of releasing it when Tope died.

His friends have taken to social media to express sadness over his passing. May his soul rest in peace, Amen.

Gospel artiste, Tope Ajogbajesu, is dead
Gospel artiste, Tope Ajogbajesu, is dead


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