People who have these 9 skills are more ‘likely to get promoted faster’ and get ‘top performance reviews,’ says career expert


Can you identify a time when you were energized at work? In other words, you gave more effort than you would’ve expected to, doing something that you wouldn’t have thought was particularly exciting — because someone infused the task with energy and spurred your enthusiasm.

Why did you feel that way?

Chances are it was less about the work and more about the people you collaborated with. Perhaps the client visit became inspiring because your counterpart was so passionate and engaged. Or your boss gave you a boost of motivation because they showed genuine excitement about your ideas, interests and aspirations for the project.

People who create this experience for others at work frequently are called energizers. They thrive on collaboration and personal connections with teammates.

How to be an energizer
Energizers win by creating what I call “pull.” If you have this quality, you’re better at attracting and retaining great people; you get more creativity out of the individuals around you; top talent wants to work with you; and you get better support for your ideas and projects.

Compared to non-energizers, energizers are three to four times more likely to get promoted faster and receive top performance reviews…
Energizers tend to do nine things more systematically than others. Reflect on the statements below and ask yourself what areas you can improve on:

I strike an effective balance between tapping people in my network to get work done and connecting with them on a personal level, unrelated to our work.
I maintain a balance between what I ask for and what I contribute to the people I work with.
I consistently do what I say I’m going to do and follow through on commitments I make.
I am committed (and show this commitment) to principles and goals that are larger than my own self-interest.
In meetings and conversations, I engage others in realistic possibilities that capture their imaginations and hearts.
I’m fully attentive in my interactions, and show interest in others and their ideas.
I create room for others to be a meaningful part of conversations and make sure they see how their efforts will contribute to a plan.
When I disagree with someone’s plan or a course of action, I do so in a way that focuses attention on the issue at hand, and not the individual.
I maintain a balance between pushing towards a goal and welcoming new ideas that improve the process for reaching a goal.
The key isn’t to look at the list of behaviors and ask, “Do I do these, or not?” Rather, it’s to indicate the ones that, if you did more systematically when under stress or pressure, could have the greatest impact.


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