Mum in coma gives birth to ‘miracle’ baby girl weighing just 1lb


A mum had to give birth to her baby 14 weeks premature, and weighing just 1lb, while she was in an induced coma suffering from Covid.

Stephanie Curran, 28, from East Kilbride, has now recovered and she is now able to look back at the horror of being taken into hospital with Covid leading to Millie being born extremely early.

Stephanie, 28, believes she contracted Covid from her cab driver partner as she said passengers were taking taxis to Covid test centres.

She was 26-weeks pregnant when she was rushed to hospital with her condition deteriorating as she was struggling to walk and breathe having first had a temperature.

At Hairmyres Hospital she was transferred to the intensive care unit at Glasgow’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital, where her situation worsened still.

She was told that the baby would have to be delivered straight away and so she was put into an induced coma.

Mum in coma gives birth to

She recalled: “I was terrified. I couldn’t sleep on the last day of my isolation and kept panicking because I felt so bad.

“I was struggling to breathe and couldn’t even walk to the toilet. I was told by NHS24 I just had to ride out Covid in isolation but the doctor checked me out and sent for an ambulance. I needed oxygen there and then.

“I waited so long for the ambulance to come my partner ended up having to take me, they said I could be waiting for up to an hour.

“I was so naive thinking I was going to get better, I never thought it would have ended up like this. After being X-rayed the doctors told me Covid had destroyed my lungs and I went to intensive care.

“I was told they might have to deliver the baby but I didn’t think she would actually have to come out.”

That night Stephanie was put into an induced coma and her baby was delivered by cesarean section.

Millie prematurely entered the world at 1.44pm on October 15, weighing just 1lb and 15oz, and fitting into the palm of a hand.

Thankfully, Millie tested negative for Covid at birth. The baby should be able to go home with her mother in January 2022 after a very worrying period in hospital, reported the Daily Record.

The family hopes Millie, who now weighs 2lbs and 11oz and one month old, will be allowed home around her actual due date of January 15, 2022.


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