Sirbalo mum on acquisition of N270 million G-Wagon Benz


Pictures, they say, don’t lie but Sirbalo has refused to acknowledge acquisition of a N270 million G-Wagon Benz even though he posted the picture on his Instagram page some months ago.

In the Instagram post, the content creator, born Obotuke Timothy was celebrating his 10th year of toiling in the content creation space with a display of some of the awards he has won along the way.

Whether out of humility or some other reasons, the man from Ughelli wouldn’t  affirm or dispel the report but said enough to give a hint the report was every inch true. Because he did let the cat out of the bag when asked to put a figure on how much he makes on a regular basis.

“For security reasons, I won’t like to disclose how much I make from all my platforms, but it is safe to say that I make enough without having to bother anyone.

“Regarding how big content creating business has been for me, I would say through the years of growth the projects I can handle now in the industry are way more advanced than what I handled 2 years back. An example would be the High School Magical Series .So, looking at it from this angle I can say yes, it is indeed a big business because I make a decent amount of money from the content I put out for my fans,” he said.

The content master also admits he is very comfortable and could afford just about anything he desires. He says he is at the level where he could take on a job or a shoot of any magnitude, as a result of his affluence in the business.

“Financially, I would say I’m blessed to be able to afford some of my needs and that of those around me. Being able to do this is a huge blessing to me. Mentally, content creation has trained me to see life in a different way, because the roles played by people on screen can be different from real life, so It’s best not to judge a book by its cover. Socially, content creation has taken me places I may not have been able to get to ,it has also made me meet more people internationally and locally, offline and online.

“There’s so much joy in expressing myself and impacting /entertaining people, travelling around, meeting great people, earning a good living and being my own boss,” he stated.

Alongside the G-Wagon Benz SUV he posted were some of the awards he had acquired over time which included 7 YouTube channels, 5 YouTube awards and  15 million YouTube followers.

Sirbalo also has over 2.1 million followers on Instagram and 2.7 million on TikTok.


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