Cases of Mysterious Brain Disorder Raise Environmental Toxin Concerns in Canada


Cases of an unexplained disorder that causes dementia-like symptoms are increasing in a Canadian province, leading many to worry that there is an environmental cause.

Called the New Brunswick neurological syndrome of unknown etiology, after the province where it’s found, the disorder is marked by “atypical, rapidly progressive dementia,” a government investigationfound.

Early cases were diagnosed as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, which the Mayo Clinicexplains is similar to Alzheimer’s disease, but progresses more rapidly and leads to death. 

However, as the family of Laurie Beatty, who died in 2018, told the New York Times, his test results for Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease came back negative.  

Beatty’s neurologist, Dr. Alier Marrero, noted to the outlet that he’d seen an increase in patients with cognitive decline, saying their symptoms were first behavioral before devolving into muscle spasms, joint pain, and hallucinations that he says were “like a nightmare.”

However, the official investigation “did not identify any specific behaviours, foods, or environmental exposures that can be identified as potential risk factors” and instead of one specific illness, the patients studied were all dealing with known illnesses like schizophrenia or progressive supranuclear palsy.

Marrero told the New York Times that he’s now treating more than 430 patients with an undiagnosable cognitive decline, and that 111 of those patients are under age 45. As of the time of writing, 39 have died.

He also explained to the outlet that, when testing his patients’ blood for the presence of glyphosate — a weed-killing chemical that’s pervasive in the United States as well — 90% had elevated levels. 

Stock image of the Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick, Canada.

Marc Guitard/Getty

“I am not concluding that this is the cause of what is happening,” Marrero shared, per the NYT. “But it is something that is telling me that something is wrong with the environment they live in.”

He also highlighted that he has been getting referrals from other areas in Canada.

“This is a collective effort that is needed,” he told the publication. “Not only for the people here in New Brunswick, but because whatever is causing this might be happening elsewhere.” 


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