Gun Sales Shoot Up in New Jersey Amid Drone Sightings


The mysterious drones that invaded New Jersey and have the state on edge are driving up some gun sales … in addition to being a major topic of conversation in firearm shops, our team has learned.

Here’s the deal … over the past month, there’ve been hundreds of sightings of drones in the Jersey sky — with some said to be as big as a car — and it seems no one knows where they are coming from or their purpose.

We contacted several gun stores around the state … we hear some people are getting strapped ’cause they are unnerved by the drones.

The Arsenal Gun Shop is one location where sales have spiked … and, the owner tells us there has been a run on AR-15s due to drone worry — with customers specifically saying they are buying for that reason.

Numerous other store owners told us that sales could not be definitively linked to the drones … but the mystery certainly has been a topic of conversation inside the shops and spurred plenty of jokes.

As we previously reported … if feds don’t show definitive proof the drones are harmless — or spring into action soon — local politicians fear it’s just a matter of time before citizens start shooting them down.

President-Elect Trump posted a message on his Truth Social platform Friday … and, in true Trump fashion, he didn’t mince words writing — “Mystery Drone sightings all over the Country. Can this really be happening without our government’s knowledge. I don’t think so! Let the public know, and now. Otherwise, shoot them down!!!”

We spoke with Assemblywoman Dawn Fantasia … and, she tells us there has been basically no information about the unnerving situation provided by the federal government or state leaders … and, there’s even confusion on which agency is actually running the show.

Mayor Tony Perry had similar gripes with the government … and, both politicians are concerned people are going to start taking matters into their own trigger fingers.

Sounds like people in New Jersey are ready to start shooting … with the whole state armed to the teeth against their aerial intruders.


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