Man Tells Girlfriend That Her Friend Isn’t a Match ‘Looks Wise’ for His Buddy — Causing a Huge Fight


A man told his girlfriend that he didn’t think her friend was a good physical match for his buddy — and he’s now wondering if he should have kept quiet.

In a post on Reddit’s “Am I the A——” forum, the man, 29, explained that he’s been with his girlfriend, 28, for the past eight months and things have been “amazing.”

“I’ve met her friends and I really like them all, and she’s met my friends and they all got along great,” he wrote, adding, “We are all hanging out together for the first time this weekend.”

The man said, however, that his girlfriend really wants to set up his friend “Mike” with her friend “Sue,” though he doesn’t think it’s a good idea.

“Mike is a very good looking guy, in great shape, is 6’2” and is a lawyer. He has always dated very conventionally attractive women,” the man wrote, before adding that while Sue is “great,” she is “just not very conventionally attractive” and “doesn’t put much effort into her appearance in general.”

Two couples on a double date (stock image).


According to the Redditor, his girlfriend “has mentioned this potential match to me a few times, and I’ve always just kind of brushed it off with a ‘we’ll see’ or ‘you never know’ hoping it would just fizzle out.”

“But after we made plans to all hang out and after I found out she has been telling Sue about it, I felt like I had to say something to her,” he added, then noting that he “didn’t want Sue to get her feelings hurt” or “put Mike in an awkward situation.”

Because of this, the main said he ultimately told his girlfriend that he did not think Mike and Sue were a good match, specifically because he does not think are “a comparable match looks wise.” He also mentioned that he didn’t think they would work out since Mike is “super active” and Sue is “more of a home body.”

The statements, the Redditor wrote, have since caused the first real fight between him and his girlfriend. He said she has since accused him of “thinking my friends were better than her friends.”

“I was genuinely just trying to avoid an awkward situation, but I might have made it worse,” he concluded, adding, “Should I just have kept my mouth shut and let it happen?”

Man and woman in an argument (stock image).


In the comments section, Reddit users were divided on the right course of action in the scenario, though many said they thought both the man and his girlfriend were in the wrong in different ways.

“Is Mike a grown man? Why would you not just tell him what’s up and let him handle it?” one person asked, adding, “This ‘I assume she’s just too ugly for him’ and ‘I’d hate to inconvenience him by telling him anything’ thing is a mistake.”

They continued, “You and your girlfriend are both playing with your single friends like they’re toys. They’re adults. Let them handle it.”

“ESH [everyone sucks here],” wrote another. “Your gf shouldn’t be trying to force a match, but you also don’t have the right to decide if Sue isn’t good enough for your friend.”


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