South San ISD’s new board president says he’s ‘transitioning off’ boards of local charter schools


A member of the new, state-appointed, board of managers for the South San Independent School District is also on the board of two local charter schools.

Ray Tijerina is currently listed as both president of South San ISD’s board of managers and as board secretary for Legacy Traditional Schools and Royal Public Schools.

However, Tijerina told TPR he plans to step down from his positions on the boards of the charter schools now that he is on the board of managers for South San.

“I was honored to serve on the boards of both Legacy Traditional Schools and Royal Public Schools, two school districts whose missions I deeply believe in, and I disclosed those roles to TEA during the application process,” Tijerina said in a direct message on social media. “In order to focus fully on my new role as President of the South San Antonio ISD board, I am in the process of transitioning off of both the Legacy and Royal boards.”

“I am and have always been committed to serving high-need students in San Antonio, and I look forward to continuing to do so for my alma mater, the South San Antonio ISD,” he added.

Officials with the Texas Education Agency told TPR they were aware he was on the board of governors for at least one charter school when they appointed him to South San’s board of managers as part of the state agency’s takeover of the school district’s management.

“Mr. Tijerina appropriately disclosed the information during the application and interview process,” TEA officials said in a statement. “The agency appreciates his commitment to serve on the South San Antonio ISD Board of Managers and looks forward to the progress and improvements the district will make in service of the students, staff and community of South San.”

South San ISD’s communications director shared a nearly identical statement, attributing the statement to the school district.

Tijerina runs an education talent acquisition company called Verdant EDU. His LinkedIn profileincludes more than a decade of experience working for and with charter schools.

South San’s conservator Abelardo Saavedra is also on the board of Royal Public Schools.


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