Popular Nollywood Actresses, Chioma Akpotha and Ufuoma McDermott has joined the ongoing #MyKerryGoldMilkRecipe challenge, a campaign targeted at showcasing the creative use of milk and its importance as part of this year’s World Milk Day celebration, powered by Kerrygold Avantage Milk.
In the video posted on her Instagram page, Chioma shows us her family’s “breakfast favourite” using KerryGold avantage milk, the leading Irish diary brand in Nigeria.
On the other hand, Ufuoma made creamy mashed potatoes for her family.
Looks like loads of fun! You too can join the challenge and win amazing rewards; we hear there is up to N200, 000 worth of shopping vouchers to be won amongst other amazing prizes!
To participate, simply create a 1 min video sharing your own milk recipe using Kerrygold avantage milk on Instagram with the hash tag #MyKerrygoldMilkRecipe #IrishDiary and tag @KerrygoldNigeria. Remember you must show the Kerrygold avantage milk in use, and you must be following the brand on Instagram @KerrygoldNigeria to be eligible!
For more info, please follow @kerrygoldnigeria on all social media platforms. You can also check out the hashtag #MyKerrygoldMilkRecipe #IrishDiary across all social media platforms.
Kerrygold is the leading Irish Dairy brand in Nigeria. Ireland has earned a strong reputation for the production of dairy powders, including fat filled, skim milk, casein, whole milk and butter milk powders. Kerrygold avantage premium milk powder mixes effortlessly into delicious creamy milk, providing the essential nutrients for a healthy body.