Bill Nye Goes Off on Anti-Maskers in TikTok Video, Explains Science


    If anti-maskers don’t want to listen to Dr. Fauci or the CDC maybe they’ll take advice from the man who taught them about science in middle school, Bill Nye.

    On Wednesday, the television personality shared two TikTok videos, in which he schooled anti-maskers about why wearing face coverings is “literally life and death” when it comes to slowing the spread of the coronavirus.

    In the clips, Nye, 64, explained the science behind masks and compared the effectiveness of different types of face coverings by attempting to blow out a candle.

    “Face masks like this one prevent particles from my respiratory system from getting into the air and then into your respiratory system,” he began, holding up a blue, disposable surgical mask.

    Nye then grabbed a knit scarf and noted how “it can block the movement of air, but only to an extent.”

    As for a homemade, cloth face mask, the science wiz proved that it “blocks the movement of air very effectively. If you’re wearing one of these, you are protecting yourself and those around you.”

    Nye continued in the second TikTok, showing the effectiveness of the N-95 masks.

    “These are made to block particles in the medical environment and when you’re out mowing the lawn,” he explained as he backed up his words when the candle flame barely budged in his attempt to blow it out.

    The science communicator then went off on anti-maskers, stressing how masks are more about protecting others than yourself.

    “The reason we want you to wear a mask is to protect you, sure. But the main reason we want you to wear a mask…, Nye said, raising his voice, “is to protect me from you and the particles in your respiratory system from getting into my respiratory system.”

    “Everybody, this is a matter literally of life and death!” he continued. “And when I use the word literally, I mean literally a matter of life and death. So when you’re in public, please wear a mask!”


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