Texas Bank Robber Hands Teller Note Explaining He Didn’t Get His Stimulus Check


Police in Texas are hunting for a man who robbed a bank because he didn’t get his stimulus check.

On Wednesday July 8, the suspect entered Woodforest National Bank in Houston just after opening at 9 a.m., with his hood up and face covered.

He approached the teller and told her he needed to make a withdrawal, before handing her a folded piece of paper.

Unfolding it, the teller discovered a handwritten note which read: “I didn’t get a stimulus or that 10k loan. I lost my business to Covid so please make this easy and comply.”

“I don’t wanna hurt nobody but will if I have to. Any suspicious moves and I will start shooting so please go get my money.”

It added: “Don’t make anything noticeable!”

The teller never saw a weapon, but she feared for her life nevertheless. She handed the suspect an as-yet-undisclosed amount of cash, which he grabbed with both hands and then ran from the bank on foot.


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