Hottest Mom in the World’ Joleen Diaz shares her beauty, fitness tips


‘Hottest Mom in the World’ Joleen Diaz shares her skincare routine, workout secrets
The mom who went viral for being mistaken for her daughter is revealing the secrets behind her youthful looks and toned physique.

Bay Area resident Joleen Diaz burst onto the scene earlier this year after her daughter posted a picture of her on social media.

After going viral, the Instagram-dubbed “Hottest Mom in the World” spoke to 360aproko News about her surprising fame and — perhaps most importantly — shared the skin care and fitness secrets behind her impressive youthful looks.

“I’ve been taking care of myself from such a young age,” the elementary school teacher said. “I didn’t just start five years ago.”

But just because she began when she was younger doesn’t mean there’s no hope. Diaz, who is excited to “inspire people to live a healthy life and make healthy choices,” claims that it’s never too late to start your wellness journey.

Diaz maintains a whole-food-focused diet, stating that she doesn’t eat red meat or pork and sticks mostly to fish and eggs. She also keeps a strict fitness regimen, carving out time for workouts five to six days per week. But the secret, she says, is to keep them “super basic” just to ensure she does them.

“I do 30 to 45 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of strength training and I just kind of change that up,” she said. “And about 20 minutes of stretching.”

Though Diaz keeps a pretty healthy lifestyle and doesn’t smoke and very rarely drinks, she does have at least one guilty pleasure. (Joleen Diaz)

As for her skin, the mom explains she “notices the most change” when she uses an AHA glycolic acid, an exfoliate which can help skin appear smoother, and also a retinol serum she started using in her 30s.

“I’ve noticed the texture of my skin get really fresh and kind of plump,” she said.

“In the last year, year and a half, I’ve been using tretinoin, and that I’m noticed my pores really tighten and my fine lines on my face really fade,” she added of her skin care routine.

But, more than anything, Diaz says her looks and physique come from consistency. (Jam Press)

Though Diaz keeps a pretty healthy lifestyle, and she doesn’t smoke and very rarely drinks, she does have at least one guilty pleasure.

“I do have a weakness. I love sugar,” she confesses, though she still stresses moderation.

“Every day I have to have a piece of cake or cookies or something, but just in like a small portion,” she said. “I do love sweets. I do indulge every day or else it’s just…life’s not fun.”

But more than anything, Diaz says her looks and physique come from consistency.

“Most days I’d rather stay home and take a nap, but I get up and go to the gym,” she said. “I think everything is about consistency.”


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