Heat map of 200-plus areas in England with high infection rates at risk of restrictions


The Government has been criticised for not consulting with local leaders with hard-hit towns and cities set to have further restrictions imposed by the new three-tier lockdown system

Ministers are expected to outline the new local lockdown system next week. Under the most severe tier, pubs and restaurants may be closed and those most at risk if they catch Covid-19 may be told once again to stay at home for months.

Under the plan, all areas in England would be assigned a tier, with toughest restrictions in tier 3.

Pubs and restaurants in the worst-affected places would be forced to close again, and people would be banned from mixing with other households.

However, shops, offices and schools would remain open, while a decision is yet to be made on hairdressers and leisure facilities.

Map reveals areas most at risk of toughest restrictions. While the colour does not decide which ‘tier’ an area will be under, it shows the current level of infections – which is a good guide

Tier 1 roughly correlates to current national rules, Tier 2 roughly correlates to current local lockdowns, and Tier 3 would go further than current local lockdowns.


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