Jodie Ward, 27, said her six-year-old daughter Aeesha Ali has rubbed talcum powder on her face to make it whiter after playground abuse, but claims the Bransholme, Yorks, school is turning a “blind eye”
A mixed race school girl, aged six, has heartbreakingly started rubbing talcum powder on her cheeks after abuse from a playground bully.
Jodie Ward said her daughter Aeesha Ali told her callous fellow pupils told her to “bleach herself” and is now desperate to appear whiter.
The mum, 27, is now planning on removing her little girl from Dorchester Primary School in Bransholme, Hull, Yorks – claiming her concerns have fallen on deaf ears.
The school has, however, said any such concerns are “always thoroughly investigated”, reports HullLive.
The mum of three said: “My daughter is mixed race – last week she was told by another pupil she needs to bleach herself.