Tory minister refuses to back free meals saying kids have ‘been going hungry for years’


A Tory minister has sparked a furious backlash after saying the Government would not extend free school meals during the holidays as “children have been going hungry for years”.

Paul Scully made the tone-deaf comments as pressure mounted on Boris Johnson to u-turn on his refusal to feed hungry school children over the half term and Christmas breaks.

Footballer Marcus Rashford, who forced a u-turn on the issue in the summer, warned MPs not to “turn a blind eye” to the plight of the most vulnerable as he clashed with Tory MPs on social media.

Labour was poised to force a Commons vote on the issue on Wednesday, with several Tory MPs suggesting they may defy the Government to back the motion.

Mr Johnson dodged questions on the issue at Prime Minister Questions and his Press Secretary made it clear that the Government’s position has not changed.

The Government is under pressure over free school meals

Mr Scully, the Minister for London, tried to defend the Government’s opposition to the plan in a disastrous BBC interview.

Pressed on whether the Government would feed hungry children during the difficult winter months, he said: “We’ve had a situation where children have been going hungry under a Labour government for years.


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