Outdaughtered’: Adam and Danielle Busby on Her Mystery Illness and Whether They Want More Kids


Danielle Busby and her husband, Adam Busby, are sharing more details about her ongoing mystery illness.

During a new interview with ET, the Outdaughtered stars share an update on where Danielle’s health stands today, after first revealing the news about her undiagnosed illness via social media back in November.

“I’m just like on a wave and have a lot of ups and downs and different forms of pains,” Danielle, who has been undergoing various medical tests over the past few months, explains to ET’s Deidre Behar. “From physical pains, to migraines, to numbness, to tinglings, to digestive problems, to a little bit of skin issues. It’s just a bunch of random things … but there really is no identifying conclusion to this.”

“I’m looking at a possible autoimmune disease, and sometimes that’s just not easily defined. I’m just kind of having to go through a lot of the same processes over again, restarting different routines of blood work and everything,” she continues. “We’ve always kind of lived a healthy lifestyle. I’m just trying to really look into foods and [figure out], ‘How do I eat differently? Could that help with inflammation?’ ‘Cause there’s certain foods that underline with inflammation and everything. It’s really, ‘How do we maintain your pain level and what you’re going through until we can discover what the underlying issue is?'”

Danielle has also been prioritizing her mental health these days, telling ET that she often turns to her love for fitness and inner spirituality to “help keep my mental state aligned.”

“It can go off in waves,” she shares. “You can get stressed out real easily in this house. With fitness, which is always a mental blocker for me, I can just zone out and stuff. That’s always something I try to keep on top of, and then just my spirituality.”

Plus, having Adam by her side throughout this difficult time has definitely been a huge help.

“It’s honestly been tough through this process,” Adam explains, of seeing Danielle frustrated at times. “Just because we don’t really know what’s going on, and just trying to support her through the process and encourage her as best I can. But also just trying to take as much of the weight and burden of just everyday tasks around the house. Parenting, and stuff, just so that she can relax a little bit.”

“Just doing whatever I can with the kids and getting the kids out of the house, so that she can just either have a day to just do what she wants to do, or just relax in bed, if it’s a day that she’s hurting,” he continues. “Then, just supporting her whenever I can. Just being there to talk, and just hanging out.”

During another portion of the interview, Adam and Danielle also discuss what it’s been like filming season 8 of Outdaughtered, which features their 9-year-old daughter, Blayke, and 5-year-old quintuplets Ava Lane, Olivia Marie, Hazel Grace, Riley Paige and Parker Kate.

“I think the reaction has been great,” Adam says. “We’ve done a few episodes where we’ve highlighted multiple kids in the episodes. [We’ve] gone back and looked at old footage, highlighted their personalities and stuff, and those are our favorite because they’re just so nostalgic for us and stuff. Just to go back and relive those memories, it’s been awesome.”

“It’s just really surreal, honestly,” he adds, of seeing their family on TV. “I always kind of catch [myself] in the moment and realize, ‘What is actually going on in the house right now? Like, my kids are sitting down on the couch, watching themselves on TV.’ That’s crazy.”

As for how much longer they realistically see the show going on for? “I don’t know. I mean, it’s been part of our lives, and our crew is our family,” Danielle says. “It’s just, ‘When’s the break? When are we going to go down from this? When are we going to pick back up?’ We just go season by season to adjust and say, ‘What do we need to do differently? Do we want to continue?'”

“After every season, it’s a big real-life evaluation,” adds Adam. “At the end of this season, it’s just like, ‘What’s this going to look like moving forward? What’s next?’ I mean, we’re not 100 percent sure yet.”

One thing they know for sure, however, is that Danielle won’t be giving birth to any more kids of her own. “I had a hysterectomy a year and a half ago,” Danielle says. “There’s no more, but if we ever want a little boy around, we just go grab those two little nephews of ours, then we have them for a day, and we’re like, ‘That’s enough.”

“We’d never fully closed the door on an adoption,” adds Adam. “If, like, something came our way and pressed on our heart, that we needed to help, we never closed the door on that. But as far as having kids of our own, it’s pretty much impossible at this point.”


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