Adele’s Pal Alan Carr Has THIS Important Message For Fans Fawning Over The Singer’s Weight Loss!Home » Adele » Adele’s Pal Alan


It’s all about the stunning transformation for suddenly svelte Adele… or is it?!

While practically the whole world has marveled at the Someone Like You singer’s new fitness habits and corresponding weight loss, her longtime friend Alan Carr is warning the world: don’t forget about her powerhouse voice!

The 44-year-old comedian — who had BFF Adele officiate his 2018 wedding, by the way — went on the British talk show Lorraine on Tuesday to discuss the entertainment and gossip of the day. Once there (virtually) for the popular ITV series, Carr quipped that fans solely concerned with the singer’s body are totally missing the point!

He said (below):

“She’s always been gorgeous, with those eyes and those lips. … With Adele, you sort of missed the point if you’re just worried about what size knickers she wears. ‘Cause it’s the voice. It’s that inspirational, awesome voice! … It’s all about the voice, for me.”

Amen to that! He’s definitely not wrong about Adele’s bring-down-the-house vocals… it’s kind of her thing!!!

It’s tough to discount the life-changing improvements to her figure, though. Can’t we be focused on more than one thing at a time, after all?!

Without a doubt, this will all come to a head over the weekend when the 32-year-old pop superstar hosts Saturday Night Live and the world gets to see the young mom in a VERY new light.

Sure, she’s already showed it off on Instagram, but going on live TV is a PLATFORM, y’all! She’ll have one of her personal favorites, H.E.R., as the musical guest on Saturday too, so it should be quite the night for Adele… and SNL.

Well then! Alan is always such a bundle of energy, we automatically feel way more awake every time we listen to him speak! Ha! But seriously, Perezcious readers — are we all collectively making too much of Adele’s weight loss?? Has the conversation become too superficial on this and pulled too far away from the music?? Or are things being covered exactly how they should be?!


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