A Nigerian man has taken to Twitter to narrate his experience after just 14 days of marriage to his wife.
In a post he made on the social media platform, he wrote on his anticipation before marriage and how everything doesn’t seem to appear as it was painted by his advisers.

Read his post below:
Few things I have experienced in my first 14days of marriage.
When I decided to tie the knot, one of the first things a friend told me was… “Guy, you don get license to Mekwe without guilt.”
I gave a big grin
Brethren, grab a seat.
I’m not gonna lie like some motivational speakers, I was very excited about the idea of guilt free sex.
Imagine the thrill of NOT begging God for forgiveness after a wonderful session of Mekwe.
Hearing the Angels compliment you as you take every stroke.
The confidence in taking communion in church and winking at your partner that you just sent to high heavens few minutes before service.null
The beauty of receiving instant satisfaction from your partner when Lord Stallion gives you signal.
All these things made me really excited. So excited that I started preparing Tiger nut juice and drinking bitters few days to the wedding so I don’t fail Lord Stallion.
All preparations were very important and proved very effective but little did I know that after the thrill of orgasm from mind blowing Mekwe, I will need something more to keep the marriage going.
If I had married because of fine face, big boobs and apple bottom ass alone, I would have been very exhausted at that moment.
(All those assets are still very important. It has a way of motivating you. You get )
I realised all those fantasies were just a pinch of what marriage was all about. what happens next is what will shape your forever after.
That’s where marrying your best friend comes very handy.null
When you marry your friend there will never be a dull moment. You guys will joke over any and every thing. You won’t even need to go out to have fun or create happiness.
A lot of compromising will be needed as well.
It is at that point you will realise that twitter standards starts and ends on the timeline. Hard guy will happily go to the market and prepare dinner, hard girl will join Baba to watch football instead of Zee world.
Hard guy will gleefully wash undies and take clothes to the washing machine. Not to talk of late night massages when madam feels stressed.
The best thing that can happen to anyone is spending the rest of your life with someone that matches your sense of humor.
Imagine farting in front of your partner and he/she retaliates with a more offensive fart rather than getting offended. That’s pure bliss.
In the aspect of planning and finances, you’ll spend time discussing everything before spending. (God gave women specialty in planning, I must confess)
If you don’t listen to your wife’s advice before spending, you will spend money on unnecessary stuffs and dem go cheat you tire.
Even as friends, respect for each other is very important. That’s the oil that keeps the marriage going.
Simple words like ‘please’ ‘sorry’ and ‘thank you’ will make a whole lot of difference.
Challenges will come but when you stick together, you will overcome anything.
In the aspect of Mekwe, improving your skills is very important and lasting long is importanter. Be the best porn star for each other.
Lastly, nothing is impossible with prayers. A couple that prays together will always stick together. Join your hands and pray together everyday. Don’t be that man that depends on a WarRoom kind of Wife.
I’m 2weeks on this journey, and there’s much more to learn.
Keep Soaring.礪
It’s my Wife’s Birthday ❤️