AOC Want REAL Police, Education Reform?!? HERE ARE THE KEYS TO THE CASTLE!!!


    Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is offering a road map to those looking for meaningful change when it comes to real police and education reform … and it starts with local elections.

    We got the Congresswoman on Capitol Hill, and she was clear — there is only so much that can be done at the federal level. She says people should be laser focused on 2 elections — the election for their mayor, and for their city councilperson.

    AOC’s message … vote local. She says, “Look at what your city council and mayor are saying. They’re the ones that hold the key to the castle when it comes to police reform.” She’s right … and she offers a prime example going down in her own backyard.

    Ocasio-Cortez points to NYC’s fiscal budget … which includes Mayor Bill De Blasio proposing to shift $1 billion from the NYPD’s $6 billion budget and earmark it for Summer Youth programs as well as family and social services. A huge chunk will also be diverted to the New York Housing Authority and Parks youth recreation centers.

    AOC says there were rumors the City’s education budget could face up to $3 billion in cuts … the number’s actually closer to $400 million. Still … she says it begs the question — why’s it controversial to defund the police but NOT when education gets defunded?

    Fair question.


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