Are you mad?”- Pastor berates people who are in the habit of ”tapping” from other people’s grace (video)


Ghanaian pastor, Mensah Otabil has berated Christians who are in the habit of ”tapping” into other Christians’s grace.

Speaking at a church event recently, Pastor Otabil stated that it is unbiblical to do so as the grace of God is available for all Christians to access and that it is unwise to tap grace from a pastor and not from the source of the grace.

”These days I hear things from some Christians and it hurts me. My heart is wounded. People say things to me like ”Pastor, I want to tap into your grace. Sometimes they come and hold your feet. I say ”Are you crazy?”. What is wrong with you?My grace? Where did you read it in the bible? My Grace? It is the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

How we can read the bible and still be foolish I don’t get it. It is not as if the bible is a secret document. It’s there. Written plain white. And then you will say you are coming to tap into my grace. Me Mensah Otabil? Are you mad?

I live by the grace of God. If yu have to tap into grace, commensensically go to the source. What’s wrong with your head. If you need grace, go to the giver of grace.” he said


  1. With all due respect, Pst. Mensah Otabil, I think the people’s perspective should be clearly understood before condemning what I termed ‘the faith of the people.’
    While decency and order must be ensured, it is not out of place for members to believe God for transference of grace through the ministry of the pastor God has placed over them. For example;
    God took of the spirit upon Moses and put it on the elders.Num11:25
    Paul said I long to see you that I may impart you with some spiritual gifts Rom1:11
    Elisha demanded a double portion of the spirit of God upon Elijah when Elijah asked him to ask what he would do for him before he is taken.2kg 2:9
    The woman with the issue of blood touched Jesus to receive her healing Matt 9:21-22; that was her faith and Jesus didn’t condemn her rather, He acknowledged her faith and confirmed her healing.
    The place of impartation in the ministry of Jesus and the disciples can not be denied. God is still transferring grace today. Freely we have received, and freely we are admonished to give. A pastor is the messenger of the church; the extension of God’s hand to the people.
    2Chr.20.20 – …”Hear me, O Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem: Believe in the LORD your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper.”
    However, where the people lack the knowledge of how the mystery works, they should taught on how to receive from God by their pastor. They should be taught about the place of order and decency and many more… We can’t project the church of God that we are privilege to pastor in such a way that the ‘withouts’ can begin cast stones on them.
    May the grace of God upon your life and ministry continue to be on the increase. May His precious oil upon your head, be sufficient to run down on the beard and down on the edge of your garments in Jesus name. Amen
    Remain ever blessed!


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