Ashton Kutcher’s Classic Corvette Breaks Down, Gets Out and Pushes


Ashton Kutcher ran into some car troubles while tooling around in his classic Corvette … and he needed a hand to get his ride running again.

The “Dude, Where’s My Car?” star was out for a spin Thursday in Sherman Oaks when his Corvette appeared to break down.

Ashton pulled off into a driveway and had to get out of the car and literally push it to the curb so he could park and assess the issue.

As you can see, this was no one man job … Ashton had a couple dudes help him push the car to safety.

Fortunately, Ashton was able to fix or remedy whatever was plaguing his Corvette … and, he was back on the road without needing to call a tow service.

We gotta say, this Corvette looks pretty sweet … here’s hoping there’s no major issues with this set of wheels.



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