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Former Vice President, Atiku Abubakar, has received a jab of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

This was revealed by a media personality, Dele Momodu, who shared pictures showing Atiku receiving the jab in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

“Former Vice President, The Wazirin Adamawa, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, receives Pfizer COVID-19 jab vaccination,” Momodu captioned the pictures on Twitter.

Atiku’s spokesman, Paul Ibe, also confirmed the news, saying, “The importance of the #COVID19 vaccine in mitigating the effect of the coronavirus cannot be overstated, particularly in Africa and Nigeria. Yesterday (Wednesday), as part of the mass vaccination programme, His Excellency Atiku Abubakar received the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.”https://4cbc06810829a20493c5b7e9f6860004.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-37/html/container.html

Atiku had in a New Year Day message expressed the belief that “the vaccine(s) would soon be available for vaccination in Nigeria.”

He added, “It is also hoped that very soon life would return to normal.”

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Atiku receives vaccine for covid -19 in Dubai