Awkuzu SARS trends on Twitter as users share horrific tales of the extrajudicial killings and police brutality allegedly carried out by their officers


    Awkuzu SARS is currently trending on Twitter after a woman shared a photo of a police officer who works with the division and accused him of being responsible for her brother’s disappearance and boasting about killing hundreds of youth.

    The Twitter user named Obianuju said CSP James Nwafor put her family through hell and she went into details

    After she shared her story, other Twitter users began sharing their experiences with Awkuzu SARS. Some were based on hearsay and others were based on personal experience.

    Awkuzu SARS trends on Twitter as users share horrific tales of the extrajudicial killings and police brutality allegedly carried out by their officers

    One alleged that Awkuzu SARS swapped him with a criminal and paraded him as the suspect.

    Below are more tweets about Awkuzu SARS.

    Awkuzu SARS trends on Twitter as users share horrific tales of the extrajudicial killings and police brutality allegedly carried out by their officers
    Awkuzu SARS trends on Twitter as users share horrific tales of the extrajudicial killings and police brutality allegedly carried out by their officers
    Awkuzu SARS trends on Twitter as users share horrific tales of the extrajudicial killings and police brutality allegedly carried out by their officers
    Awkuzu SARS trends on Twitter as users share horrific tales of the extrajudicial killings and police brutality allegedly carried out by their officers
    Awkuzu SARS trends on Twitter as users share horrific tales of the extrajudicial killings and police brutality allegedly carried out by their officers
    Awkuzu SARS trends on Twitter as users share horrific tales of the extrajudicial killings and police brutality allegedly carried out by their officers
    Awkuzu SARS trends on Twitter as users share horrific tales of the extrajudicial killings and police brutality allegedly carried out by their officers


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