Stumps for Biden in Philly


Joe Biden‘s campaign is pulling out the biggest gun right before the election — Barack Obama in the flesh pounding the pavement for his ex-Veep.null

The former President was out in Philly Wednesday, campaigning for Joe and Kamala Harris in the first in-person event Barack held on behalf of the team. He started out by having a panel discussion with Black male leaders in the city, and eventually migrated to the streets … where he addressed a crowd of volunteers with a bullhorn.

It was kinda odd but badass all the same to see 44 rallying up the troops — while wearing a mask, of course — by telling them despite all the digital ads a candidate might employ … good old-fashioned person-to-person conversation is how voters truly connect to a cause.

Obama then got on the podium at a drive-in rally in Citizens Bank Park, and tee’d off on Trump and his failure to control COVID-19. Obama said rather than tweeting at the TV, Trump should’ve taken action … and just like everything else he inherited, Trump screwed up the economy.

He said people in the community would see their effort and be inspired by it … not just that, but BO also made sure to tell them to relay that this election isn’t just about picking a new Prez, but gaining control of the Senate too.

It’s quite the throwback to his 2008 days when he was first running for President, and even before that when he was running for Senate in Illinois.

Makes sense the campaign would defer to the most popular Democrat in the country … to sway voters in this final push


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