#BBNaija Day 12 was fun filled coupled with the brewing heat. We brought you all that you might have missed; the trivial games, the troubles, the sinking and sailing ships and lots more…
Day 12: Who are the trivia geniuses?
Friday afternoon was sports trivia day and besides testing the Housemate’s sports knowledge the game also tested their ability to read. Let the games begin!
Day 12: Are we in or are we out?
Is this ship sailing or nah? Neo and Vee have another misunderstanding in Biggies House and we think it’s quits! Once they confide in their fellow Housemates though, we bear witness to a poetic comeback with Neo professing his commitment to the possibility that Vee might not yet see.
Day 12: Truth or dare and more to share
The Big Brother Housemates are planning the most wild truth or dare session to date. As always the conversation turns to ‘shipping and their dramas. Finally we learn that Brighto isn’t the angel we thought he was!
Day 12: ‘I don’t even know how to open up,’ Kiddwaya
In order to get to know each other Kiddwaya and Erica have been sharing everything and racking up the quality time. Kiddwaya isn’t an open book like her and seeing this ‘ship launch will take much more time than she wants.
Day 12: The ‘ship won’t sail
When it come to winning your beloved’s heart, it’s never an easy task. Our friend Laycon learned that his wishes to ‘ship Erica is more of a pipe dream than a reality.
Day 12: Trivia ain’t that trivial
When it comes to sports trivia the Housemates showed that they ain’t playing
After many losses and moments of pure buffoonery, the Big Brother Housemates finally got the chance to show they can play games and win. After enjoying lunch the Housemates were alerted by Biggie than another round of Betway Trivia was to take place. The format was identical to the last time with 30 questions being asked, the only difference was the Housemates were allowed to choose who should be on which team.

The simple change of being able to choose teammates made a marked difference in the cohesion of the group and their performance overall. Where the Housemates had struggled with simple questions last time around, the comradery this time aided the Housemates to answer more questions correctly than before.

There were also glaring moments that showed an interest in sports isn’t universal, such as when Lilo struggled to pronounce Wimbledon. Her pronunciation was so shocking that even the usually supportive Eric, hung his head in shame.This time around the Housemates managed to score many more points than their first attempt and grew leaps and bounds in their understanding of each other and confidence.

If they can manage to carry the momentum created by this successful Betway Trivia into other Tasks, activities, and into Arena games, the Housemates will be winning games and each other’s respect in equal measure.

Day 12: Trouble in Big Brother’s paradise
When Neo and Vee started, nobody predicted it would get so intense.
From the moment Neo noticed Vee enter Biggie’s House, there was no doubt that he was interested in being more than just her friend. When Vee reciprocated the attraction and their ‘ship launched, it was nothing but blissful smooth sailing. Now as they manage the rough waters of misunderstanding and shifting expectations, we all wonder if this ‘ship will continue sailing or be the first one to sink in Big Brother Naija Lockdown.
The beginning
If we are being honest, this ‘ship only sailed because of Vee’s go-getter attitude. She initiated the connection by making herself available to Neo and constantly making her intentions of ‘shipping with him clear. She was the captain of this ‘ship from day one. Neo was the one who dragged his feet and had it not been for Vee’s forthright and forward nature, Neo would still be sleeping alone.
The ‘ship sailing
In terms of sharing and showing affection, Neo started by being reserved and unwilling, while Vee used each passing moment to grow the bond and mark her territory. Over the last three days, there has been a change in the captaincy as Neo began to be more possessive of Vee. During every interaction with another man, Neo could be seen hovering and visibly disgruntled. Our boy was officially hooked and no longer afraid to show it.
Is the ship sinking?
After breakfast had been served, Neo and Vee sat down in the living room and began a heart-to-heart conversation that threatened to end their ‘ship. During the chat, Vee made it clear that Neo is her be-all and end-all, but his constant jealousy isn’t warranted. Vee shared that she doesn’t have eyes for anyone else but Neo, but his constant clingy behaviour is making it hard for her. At first, Neo resisted her request for a little more freedom. He was so aggrieved by her wishes that he had to take a break from the conversation to sit with Eric and discuss the matter.
During his chat with Eric, there was a noticeable shift in Neo’s tone and understanding of what Vee was asking of him. After taking Eric’s advice about working out the dilemma, Neo went back to the living room to rehash and resolve the tryst with Vee. This time around, his tone was a lot more authoritative and less confrontational. Neo told Vee that she is lucky to have a man as dedicated and caring as he is. He conceded to give her the space she wants but the force he did it with might have been too much for our lovely lady from London to handle
They ended off the altercation by sharing an embrace and there is no telling if it marked the end of the issue or if it signalled that this was the last wave that caused their ‘ship to sink. The only way we will know is by doing what we have always done, and staying tuned to every moment of Big Brother Naija Lockdown.