Ben Shapiro responds to ‘piece of garbage’ Reddit troll who tied him to fake Antifa recruitment website


Ben Shapiro responded Monday to the “piece of garbage” Reddit troll who launched a fake Antifa recruitment site using the conservative personality’s personal information as part of a widely circulated smear campaign over the weekend.

Addressing the incident on “The Ben Shapiro Show,” the conservative commentator said it was important to note “how some people on the radical left act because it is a reminder where we are in the country.”

“So over the weekend, I start reciving all of these bizarre emails [from] people just cursing me out — which is like, kind of a normal weekend, but a little bit more than a normal weekend — and people saying they want to join Antifa emailing me,” Shapiro began.


“Then I realized yesterday that there is this rumor going around online that — I’m not kidding you — that I had started an Antifa recruiting website in order to catfish members of Antifa and this rumor was so prevalent because there were some big name people on the left who were putting out this rumor” in addition to “idiots on Reddit,” he explained.

The fake site was created by a well known leftist troll named Adam Rahuba, who embedded Shapiro’s name and professional email address into the source code, framing him as the creator, The Post Millenial reported.

While the false origins of the site began to circulate on Reddit, the Lincoln Project, a headline-grabbing anti-Trump political action committee, amplified the hoa on Twitter, which was quickly shared by “big names on the left,” Shapiro explained.

“Everybody on the left apparently bought into this,” he said. “I started getting inundated with texts and emails … it turns out, obviously, that it was a prank by some Reddit idiot Adam Rahuba…”

Rahuba claimed responsibility for the hoax Monday morning, tweeting “Here is your message from the LEADER OF ANTIFA. There is no leader of Antifa. There is no organization to join.”

In a subsequent tweet, Rahuba claimed he was not acting on behalf of “any leftist group,” and that he “did it because I think he’s [Shapiro] a turd.”

Shapiro said he was rather amused when Rahuba took the opportunity to plug his Venmo information for those that wish to “support future trolling attempts.”

“This piece of garbage decided to put my name in a fake Antifa recruiting website to make my life more annoying … and then the person tried to raise money off of it,” he said.

“This just shows you where the heads are at for the radical left, and this went around as if it were real. There were, like, big names on the left who were promoting this garbage and it was perfectly obvious it was garbage from the very beginning.”


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