Best Supplements & Drugs For Increasing Semen & Sperm Volume


AlphaViril – #1 Rated, Doctor Formulated, Testosterone Booster & LH/FSH Optimizer

How To Increase Semen & Sperm Volume [Clinically Proven]

Zinc – Increasing Testosterone, Decreasing DHT, Lowering Estrogen, Improving Thyroid

Best Vitamins For Lower Stress Hormones & Cortisol

#drsamrobbins #alphaviril

Best Supplements & Drugs For Increasing Semen & Sperm Volume
There are two other important and fast ways to increase semen volume, sperm and improve hormones – that’s with supplements and drugs.

Let’s first start with the supplements, since most people will have access to these and it’s obviously much safer.

The thing I love about supplements is that they are easy and convenient and everyone can do it.

What I do NOT like is that most supplements are total garbage. They use the wrong ingredients, forms, dosages and this is why 98% don’t work.

So, let’s get into the ones that do…

For vitamins and minerals, Zinc, D3 and Selenium are all important. These have all been clinically verified.

For herbal extracts
Bulgarian Pro-Tribulus™ Terrestris Extract (90% Sapongenins + 40% protodioscin)
Stinging Nettle (95% Extract) (Urtica Dioica)
Ginger Extract (10% gingerols)
Maca Root (.6% macamides and macaenes Extract)

These herbal extracts are actually proven to support LH and FSH, thus increasing semen volume, sperm production and testosterone.

Of course, your only goal isn’t to increase LH, FSH and testosterone.

You want to also DECREASE negative hormones such as female (estradiol, prolactin) and stress (cortisol)

Now, there are other herbs that you should also be taking if you also want better erections and libido… and I’ve listed them all below in an all-in-one solution called AlphaViril – which is what I take and a few porn star guys as well.
The final topic is drugs and speaking of porn stars, I’ve had many of “adult film” guys and gals for clients over the years – especially in my younger days when I lived near the porn capital of the world – which was “The Valley” in Southern California.

I would run into these guys at the gym and when someone would find out that I’m a hormone doctor, they’d ask me questions.

It was always the same stuff.
How do I get and maintain an erection?
How to increase my semen volume for the “money shots”, including “shoot farther” rather than just dribble out?
And we also did speak about how to make the penis bigger and thicker — but, I’ll leave that topic for another day. Comment below if you’re interested in penis growth tips.

So anyway, back then in the late 90’s and early 2000’s, I would suggest short-term use of HCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin). Which tells your body and testicles to produce more LH and FSH, thus more testosterone.

This actually can temporarily increase semen volume and even the size of your testicles. The exact opposite of what happens when taking testosterone shots.

When it’s internal, it’s good. When it’s external, it’s bad.

And this is ONE of the ways AlphaViril works – by telling your own body to naturally increase these hormones and thus, you get the benefits without the side effects.

It’s happening internally (endogenously) and not externally (exogenously)

Unfortunately, the problem with taking HCG is that you also produce much more estrogen and other female hormones, which can quickly cause gynecomastia or man-boobs.

Thank you for watching. Please feel free to comment, like or share with your friends.

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Disclaimer: As with all information, products and services, results are not guaranteed and may vary from one individual to another. The information in this video and/or at this channel is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge, educational and information from the research and experience of Dr. Sam Robbins, who encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

Statements made, or solutions suggested in this video and/or at this channel, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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