More legal issues for former “Big Brother” winner Mike ‘Boogie’ Malin … he just got busted for the second time in three months … and this one involved another ‘BB’ winner.
Our team has learned … Mike was arrested and thrown in jail Friday after a bench warrant was issued when he was a no-show at court.

We’re told the hearing was in regards to Mike recently violating the terms of a restraining order his former ‘BB’ costar Will Kirby has against him … with Boogie disobeying the order by directly contacting Will’s wife.
As we’ve reported … Malin was found guilty of felony stalking his former ‘BB’ buddy way back in 2021, after pleading no contest. Boogie was sentenced to 2 years of probation.

Kirby got a restraining order against Malin in 2019 after the 2 were tapped to go on another reality show as a duo. When Kirby declined, it meant Malin could not participate, and that’s allegedly when he began sending threats to Kirby and his family.
We’re told Mike’s bail is set at $20,000 and his next court date is March 20.

Kirby’s attorney, Sam Ahmadpour tells us … “Protective orders exist for a reason, and no one is above the law. We expect full accountability for this violation.”
Cuz The arrest comes on the heels of a Boogie’s January bust for shoplifting from CVS.