Bigger, Harder & Fuller Erections – Best Amino Acid


Most Potent Testosterone Booster & Nitric Oxide (NO) Optimizer

3 Best Ways To Increase Your Testosterone & Improve Erections

Bigger, Harder & Fuller Erections – Best Amino Acid
Today I’ve got some really interesting facts about having bigger, harder and fuller erections… and as a side benefit, a healthier heart, better blood flow and lower blood pressure. I’ll reveal the best amino acid for getting better erections so pay close attention to this!

It’s so powerful that today’s topic has won a Nobel Prize and it’s also connected to one of the most popular drugs ever made.

So, if these are all things you care about, sit back and listen to this short video

Nitric Oxide – ‘Molecule of the Year”

So today’s topic is about increasing Nitric Oxide levels, which has the chemical formula of, “NO”.

It was first discovered in 1772, but was thought to be an “atmospheric pollutant”. Thus, a waste of time.

However, 220 years later in 1992, Nitric Oxide (NO) was named, “Molecule of the Year”. (1)

Now, Nitric Oxide has lots of benefits, but the 3 most important and popular ones are
Lowering blood pressure (2-3)
Boosting exercise performance because of better vasodilation and blood flow to the muscles. (4-5)
And the one us guys care about the most … Improving erections and treating erectile dysfunction, by again – improving blood flow to the penis.

One Of The Most Popular Drugs In The World

So, remember how in 1992, “NO” was named “Molecule of the Year”?…

Well, that SAME year in 1992, the Pharmaceutical company Pfizer filed a patent for sildenafil and its use to treat cardiovascular diseases … because of it’s blood pressure improving abilities.

The name of this drug is called Revatio.

What’s interesting is that 2 years later, in 1994, Pfizer filed a SECOND patent covering the use of the SAME drug, sildenafil… to treat erectile dysfunction.

The name of this drug is Viagra.

SAME exact drug. TWO different names. The ONLY difference is the price.

PDE5 Inhibitors

Increasing Nitric Oxide Naturally

So, how do we improve Nitric Oxide levels naturally, without having to take expensive drugs and deal with the side effects?

Arginine or Citrulline?

Now, what’s interesting is that When L-arginine is converted to nitric oxide, another amino acid called L-citrulline is produced as a byproduct.
L-citrulline can then be recycled back to L-arginine and used to increase your body’s natural production of nitric oxide.
In fact, L-citrulline may increase levels of L-arginine in your body more than supplementing with L-arginine itself does. This is because a large percentage of L-arginine is broken down before reaching your bloodstream. (6)

Here’s A Better Combo
However, things get really interesting because there are several human clinical studies that have shown the combination of
L-arginine +
L-Citrulline +
French maritime Pine Bark Extract (Pinus massoniana) [97% Proanthocyanidins]
… To “Significantly improve sexual function in men with ED” — far more than taking either of these supplements individually, by themselves. (7-10)

You Need Testosterone

One last thing to keep in mind about Nitric Oxide and erections – it only helps with improving blood flow. It does nothing for stimulating an erection or creating that emotional desire.

And the lower your testosterone, the less effective these NO stimulators are – this includes drugs like Viagra or Cialis.

AlphaViril – The “All-In-One” Solution

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Disclaimer: As with all information, products and services, results are not guaranteed and may vary from one individual to another. The information in this video and/or at this channel is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge, educational and information from the research and experience of Dr. Sam Robbins, who encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

Statements made, or solutions suggested in this video and/or at this channel, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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