Bill and Hillary Getting Nervous? Fraud Case Against “Clinton Foundation” Just Got Very Interesting


Did you know that the Clinton Foundation is in the midst of a massive fraud case right now? Nobody in the media reports on it…

It’s actually nearly impossible, but a couple of whistleblowers by the names of Lawrence W. Doyle and John F. Moynihan are trying to do that.

And it’s been tough – because the Clintons insulate themselves with teams of high-powered lawyers whose job it is to protect these two old crooks.

But the whistleblowers did just score a court victory against the Clintons…and while it’s not a HUGE game-changer, considering how tough it is to chip away at the Clintons, this would be considered a very big score.

The records for this case are sealed, but we can tell you this much – a U.S. tax court judge has ordered the Internal Revenue Service must now disclose if it criminally investigated the Clinton Foundation.

This ruling was part of an ongoing case involving whistleblowers who have long alleged wrongdoing on the part of the charity that bears the name of former President Bill Clinton and his wife, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The judge in the case pointed to a “gap” in IRS records and said that the agency’s claim to have never criminally investigated the Clintons’ charity “was not supported by the administrative record and thus constituted an abuse of discretion.”

So now, the IRS will have to go on official record and leave themselves open to major fraud charges if they lie.

What this ruling does, is helps to validate the rumors and allegations that the Clintons have been using their foundation to launder money for political favors from foreign entities.

Western Journal reported that the two whistleblowers alleged that the Clinton Foundation had engaged in illegal foreign lobbying when it accepted donations from overseas while trying to influence U.S. policy.

The charity “began acting as an agent of foreign governments early in its life and throughout its existence,” Moynihan stated before a House panel.

“As such, the foundation should’ve registered under FARA (Foreign Agents Registration Act). Ultimately, the Foundation and its auditors conceded in formal submissions that it did operate as a (foreign) agent, therefore the foundation is not entitled to its 501c3 tax-exempt privileges as outlined in IRS 170 (c)2,” he said.

It’s amazing that this whole big case is going on involving the Clintons and their foundation, yet we hear literally NOTHING about it in the media.

That’s how insulated and protected the Clintons are.

You almost can’t touch them…but these two whistleblowers are not giving up.

Pray for their safety. They’ll need it.


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