BILL MAHERYOU WANT WARNINGS ON CLASSIC FLICKS???Rosemary Denied Planned Parenthood Option


Now that old movies have warnings at the beginning so viewers can brace themselves for what people dared to do and say back in the day, Bill Maher decided to do some of his own handiwork with warnings … and it’s f***ing hilarious!!!

Maher mused on ‘Real Time’ Friday night how Turner Classic Movies have such warnings regarding racism, sexism, etc, so he decided to lend a helping hand.

“Sleeping Beauty” — WARNING: “A prince kisses an unconscious woman without consent.”

“The Wizard of Oz” — WARNING: “A powerful woman of color is murdered by a rural white girl.”

“Rosemary’s Baby” — WARNING: “Fails to present Planned Parenthood as a viable option.”

And, you gotta see the “Braveheart” warning.

‘Real Time’ is the best political show on TV, and Friday night was maybe his best show in a long time.

BTW … some of the films with new Turner warnings — “Breakfast at Tiffany’s,” “Psycho,” “Gone with the Wind,” “My Fair Lady,” “Stagecoach,” “The Jazz Singer” and “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.” Pretty much every movie that’s at least 5 years old will probably end up with warning. And, the movies today will have warnings in 5 years.


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