Bishop T.D. Jakes Reveals He Underwent Emergency Surgery After Medical Incident


Bishop T.D. Jakes says his recovery from a massive health issue is miraculous — ’cause he was rushed to ICU after last week’s health issue … and, he needed emergency surgery.

The megachurch preacher addressed his congregation, The Potter’s House, in a video call Sunday … popping onscreen to a massive standing ovation.

Jakes, of course, praises God for his grace and mercy … before saying people might not realize it, but seeing him alive is essentially a miracle.

The bishop explains he was rushed to the ICU after his onstage medical incident last Sunday … where he underwent emergency surgery. He doesn’t specify what issue the surgery addressed.

T.D. says he’s working his way back to his normal routine … but, his doctor wants him to take it slow — unclear exactly what that means going forward.

Jakes ends his mini-sermon by saying people who take care of others — like himself — need to remember to take care of themselves … and, he’s proof of that concept.

As we told you … Jakes was addressing his congregation last Sunday when he suddenly stopped speaking and began convulsing onstage. The Potter’s House later put out a statement claiming it was just a slight medical incident — though it seems more serious than they initially let on.

Jakes is clearly recovering … and, he’s praising God for helping him on his journey.


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