‘Bonnie and Clyde’ couple ‘rack up huge unpaid restaurant bills by dining and dashing’


The couple have been enjoying their lavish lifestyle drinking bottles of high-end wine and spirits alongside free gourmet grub before claiming their card is declined and walking out

The pair are thought to have swindled at least a dozen hospitality venues over the last 10 months by claiming their card was declined.

The tricksters would then leave a fake address and phone number before vanishing into the night.

The couple have been enjoying their lavish lifestyle drinking bottles of high-end wine and spirits with the free gourmet grub.

On one occasion, they even managed to dodge paying after staying a week at a hotel.

The brazen fraudsters have been eating out at fine dining restaurants and hotels across East Anglia and Essex for free every day of the week.

The alleged couple inside the Swann Inn

Norfolk and Suffolk Police are investigating five linked incidents which have been reported to them, but they are confident there are more cases.


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