Boston Fed President Rosengren to retire September 30, 9 months earlier than planned


Boston Federal Reserve President Eric Rosengren announced Monday he is stepping down from his position, retiring nine months earlier than he had planned due to health concerns.

The retirement will be effective Thursday after having been planned for June 2022. He has been at the Boston Fed since 1985 and has served as president since July 2007.

In an announcement that comes on the heels of controversy the regional Fed leader had faced regarding personal stock trading, Rosengren, 64, revealed that he has been on a kidney transplant list since June 2020.

A release from his office said Rosengren’s doctor told him changes in his lifestyle might reduce the need for dialysis.

“It has been an honor to serve at the Federal Reserve System, in a job where one can be constantly engaged in pursuing the economic and financial well-being of the country and New England,” he said in a statement. “I know that my colleagues will build on our progress, and continue making a difference for the public we serve.”

The Fed has come under criticism in recent weeks following revelations that several of its officials had owned and been trading individual stocks, a potential conflict with the Fed’s role in the financial markets.

Rosengren and Dallas Fed President Robert Kaplan were most prominent in the controversy, and both subsequently pledged to sell all their individual stock holdings.

There was no mention of the issue in the statement announcing the retirement. The statement noted that Rosengren “hopes to improve his health condition and eventually be able to explore areas of professional interest and contribution, in the future.”

The Boston Fed has taken the lead role in the study of a potential central bank digital currency that would resemble other cryptocurrencies like bitcoin but be tied to the dollar and provide another payments avenue for Americans.

Fed Chairman Jerome Powell praised Rosengren’s work at the Fed, which also included managing the Main Street Lending Program implemented during the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Eric has distinguished himself time and again during more than three decades of dedicated public service in the Federal Reserve System,” Powell said in a statement. “In addition to his monetary policy insights, Eric brought a relentless focus on how best to ensure the stability of the financial system. My colleagues and I will miss him.”

This is breaking news. Please check back for updates.


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